Behavioral management definition with importance challenges and tools
What is behavioral management?
The definition of Behavioral management is a management method widely used in recent years whose main objective is to understand the behavior of the organization’s employees and make the most of their abilities.
This management method has a more strategic approach and can be used by all segments of the company to develop more productive and high-performance teams.
Behavioral management considers behavioral factors in several important processes, and in this way manages to align each profile with the ideal position, hiring the right professionals and reducing failures and rework.
How did the behavioral management method come about?
In 1950, two scholars, Maslow and Herzberg, created behavioral management based on theories of motivation, goals, and human behavior.
Since then, it has been applied in companies to improve the quality of life at work and has generated excellent results in the organizational environment.
The methodology of behavioral management is directly related to psychology. The main idea is to identify patterns of behavior and put people in the right places and roles, increasing individual satisfaction and reducing turnover .
The importance of behavioral management
Unsurprisingly, each person has different personalities and experiences, as well as abilities. Thus, managing all these characteristics is not an easy task.
But it can be less complex when the HR sector knows the profile of each hired professional.
Thus, it is possible to identify possible reactions, discover the best ways to develop the skills needed for each role and also make the best use of existing talents.
The idea is that each person is able to use their talents , that is, their natural abilities, to carry out their activities with the least possible effort.
Another favorable factor of behavioral management is the increase in employee job satisfaction.
A survey carried out by the Locomotiva Institute, in 2017, raised an alarming data. About 56% of professionals hired with a formal contract felt dissatisfied with their job.
And the consequences of this lack of motivation can be numerous for companies, including low productivity and an increase in the turnover of professionals , which also generates an increase in costs.
Behavioral management is the solution to these problems, because through it the company is able to focus on the development of human capital, promoting training and improvement programs that increase the engagement and well-being of the team.
The main challenges to behavioral management
Dealing with the subjectivities of employees and reconciling their needs with the company’s objectives requires constant work and attention.
See what are the main management challenges of companies and how behavioral management can help.
1-Humanization of relationships X result
With the market so competitive, it is essential to be able to count on the best professionals, and for that the company needs to have a more humanized attitude in relation to its staff.
Behavioral management considers the potential of each employee and also their limitations.
Understands which emotions and actions influence productivity and also that it is impossible to dissociate personal and professional life.
This humanized view of employees changes the company’s relationship with its employees, no longer considering them only as numbers and badges, and understanding each one in all its complexity.
2-productivity x learning
The constant search to increase productivity and performance in companies often ends up bumping into the need to offer training to employees.
It is common that this time used in learning is seen as something not so important, and ends up being left for later, to avoid “losing” at the job for a few days.
But what needs to be realized is that when the employee does not receive adequate training, the company misses a great opportunity to bring improvements to the business.
It is important to understand which training courses are important and can offer relevant practical application to the company, and this can only be done through behavioral assessment, which helps to identify talents and weaknesses in each employee.
3-Training X costs
Another challenge, still related to training , is the search for a balance between the provision of necessary training and cost control for the company.
Training can represent a large investment of money for the company, especially if it is offered to a large number of employees, but there are models, such as those offered in the company itself, that allow employees to learn without increasing costs too much.
4-Innovation X internal culture
The world is changing and with it all relationships, personal and professional. Innovation is welcome to companies, but it cannot be greater than the values that already exist in the business.
And one of the great challenges for organizations is precisely to reconcile the entry of young professionals, eager for innovation and new ideas, with the company’s principles. When these cultures clash, HR needs to act as a conflict mediator.
Behavioral management helps to find suitable professionals, who connect with the organizational culture, without losing the will to do different and innovate.
Behavioral management tools
More than just optimizing professional development processes, behavioral management tools also help employees discover more about themselves and find motivation to carry out their activities.
1-Performance evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze and measure the performance of each individual. Through it, the company is able to identify competencies and skills, in addition to weak points.
After obtaining the results, it is possible to offer more accurate feedback and guide employees on ways to improve.
2-Organizational weather research
A fundamental tool to understand the satisfaction and motivation of a company’s employees.
Based on this information, the organization can promote actions that contribute to the growth of each one.
This survey can be applied through forms or in direct conversations.
3-Training and performance programs
Used to develop the skills of employees, contributing to the expansion of skills, whether emotional, technical or behavioral.
They can also be used to discover underused talents, strengthen professional self-esteem and demonstrate commitment.
4-Career path
More than just structuring processes in the company, having a career plan associated with the job and salary plan is very important to attract and retain talent for the organization.
It helps to increase motivation and the search for new positions in the company.