
Battle of Zacatecas (1835)/time/place/participants/causes/winner

Battle of Zacatecas (1835)

This battle of Zacatecas has its place in history because it is one of the first battles where two forms of republican government dispute power, centralism and federalism, this happened on April 11, 1835, and the president of Mexico himself commands the troops of the central government to face the rebellion that started in the city of Zacatecas . Battle of Zacatecas (1835)

What could have caused this battle? Who are the leaders or commanders of this historic battle of the Republican era? What consequences did this battle bring, for Mexico and for the state of Zacatecas? Who or which side is the victor in this battle? Let’s see the answers.

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When and where did the Battle of Zacatecas take place?

This battle of Zacatecas takes place as its name indicates it in the city of Zacatecas , capital of the state of Zacatecas, in the framework of a rebellion that we will explain later on its causes. This historic battle takes place on April 11, 1835 .

Who participated in the Battle of Zacatecas?

Let’s talk about the commanders of troops who face in the battle of Zacatecas, the troop of the centralist government of President Antonio López de Santa Anna, were led by General Santa Anna himself , who left in charge of the presidency in Mexico City a general of his trust named Miguel Barragán.

Another of the curiosities of this battle is that the other commander that the central government forces faced was none other than the governor of the state of Zacatecas, General Francisco García Salinas , who managed to bring together an army that according to some historians was about 4000 men, although other more conservatives affirm that there were only 3000 men who supported his uprising in the Zacatecas rebellion. Battle of Zacatecas (1835)

Causes of the Battle of Zacatecas

Establishing the causes that lead to the confrontation of two armed groups willing to destroy each other is not always easy, there are generally several factors, including particular interests, even behind the scenes or sometimes from outside the country. In this case, history points out as the first cause the failure of the federal government system , which for decades had been the way of governing the newly formed Republic of Mexico and which gave each state a certain autonomy and authority, to the point of even having their own military troops.

Now the so-called centralism was on the rise, where, on the contrary, power and autonomy were reduced to the federal states, and the central government was all-powerful , and the last straw was when the congress of the republic made changes to the signed constitution. in 1824 to precisely promote a centralized form of government, understood from Mexico City. This pitted the defenders of federalism against the new tide, namely centralism. It is good to understand that the same story occurred throughout all of Hispanic America once independence from the Spanish crown was achieved. Battle of Zacatecas (1835)

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Upon hearing the news of the uprising or rebellion of General Francisco García Salinas, governor of the state of Zacatecas and who had managed to gather an army of more than 3,000 armed men, General Antonio López de Santa Anna, himself took charge of the matter. He makes the decision to lead an army of 3,400 soldiers and they quickly march towards Zacatecas to stop the rebellion .

In the city of Zacatecas, there is General Francisco García Salinas, ready to defend his rebellion and its cause, it is said that he chose what is known as the field of Guadalupe, ready to defend himself; General Salinas did not have the urgency and tenacity of Santa Anna , who at 5 in the morning of that April 11, arrived on the battlefield and began a fierce combat to the death , the troops fought with all their available forces and Already at midmorning, there was an obvious winner of the battle, Santa Anna managed to control the battle .

On the side of the central government there were about 100 dead soldiers, and on the side of the Zacatecanos about 250 dead and the capture of 2,723 prisoners . Unfortunately, the victors were looted and criminal when entering the city, although there were men who managed to stand out, such as General Joaquín Parres who took two towns without shedding blood.


Wars always bring consequences, the battle of Zacatecas in 1835 brought at least three palpable consequences, the first one that we will mention is of course the strengthening of the centralist government system , especially taking into account the personality of the leader of the moment, the president. military, the tenacious General Antonio López de Santa Anna.

Another immediate consequence is that from there we will see the confrontation in numerous battles of leaders of federalism against the current ruler in the nascent centralism.

Another immediate consequence of the battle of Zacatecas was that on the defeated side, the state of Zacatecas was disciplined for its rebellion and lost part of its territory , which became the state of Aguas Calientes. Battle of Zacatecas (1835)


General Antonio López de Santa Anna is an omnipresent figure in almost every war, rebellion or political movement of those decades, he is recognized as a military strategist who was able to maintain power on many occasions, in this case he did not have many problems in appeasing and defeat the Zacatecas rebellion. The president of the republic himself, which helps us to know a little about the spirit of this man at arms, in charge of about 3,400 soldiers, defeated General Francisco García Salinas , who was governor of the state of Zacatecas and his troops of more than 3000 men. Battle of Zacatecas (1835)

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