Who are the 12 major Roman gods civilization characteristics
Ancient Rome
Civilization developed around ancient Rome. Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
Data | |
Date | 8th century BC C. -476 d. C. – Western Roman Empire / 1453 – Eastern Roman Empire |
Location | Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor |
Religion | Polytheists |
Economy | Agriculture and trade |
The Romans were an ancient civilization developed around the city of Rome. This civilization originated in the 8th century BC. C. and expanded throughout much of Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor.
During its expansion, Roman culture spread throughout the conquered regions. This process, known as Romanization , resulted in the cultural unification of the territories under Roman rule. The Roman provinces adopted Latin as their language, legislation based on Roman law, currency and many customs.
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Location of Roman civilization
Roman civilization originated in the Lazio region, in the center of the Italian peninsula . Over twelve centuries it expanded throughout the Mediterranean Sea basin, central Europe, Asia Minor, and part of the British Isles.
Characteristics of Roman civilization
The main characteristics of the Roman civilization are the following:
- It emerged in the 8th century BC. C. from a village of Latino farmers and shepherds located on the banks of the Tiber River .
- Its main cultural influences were its neighbors, the Etruscans , and the Greeks who inhabited the southern Italian colonies.
- Its territorial expansion occurred in three stages : between 458 and 265 BC. The Romans conquered the Italian peninsula. Between 264 and 146 a. C., they conquered the territories around the western Mediterranean and from the 2nd century BC. C. spread over the Macedonian kingdoms.
- They stood out for their great military power , thanks to which they were able to maintain the conquered territories for several centuries.
- The conquered regions were integrated into the Roman Empire as provinces. In this way, cultural features spread, including the Latin language that was the basis of most modern European languages.
- The set of norms that constitute Roman law had great influence on modern societies and are the basis of Western law.
- Many of the customs of today’s Western societies derive from Roman culture.
Religion of the ancient Romans
Roman religion changed throughout history as it received influences from the territories it conquered.
The Romans were polytheists , that is, they believed in more than one god. Their original religion was animism, they believed in spirits that inhabited all things.
During the monarchical period, its most important gods were Jupiter , the most important of the pantheon, Quirinus , god of government, and Mars , god of war. They were called the Capitoline Triad and were worshiped on the Capitoline Hill in the city of Rome.
From the Greek influence, the Roman religion incorporated the Greek gods , superimposing some of them on their previous divinities.
During the imperial period, the emperors were also deified. Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
The Christianity was another of Eastern religions that spread by the empire after the conquest of Judea. In the year 380 d. C., Christianity became the official religion of Rome by decree of the Emperor Theodosius.
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12 Roman gods
For much of Roman history, the main gods were:
Name | Function |
Jupiter | King of the other gods. His attributes were the ray and the center. |
Juno | Wife of Jupiter, goddess of marriage and family. |
Minerva | Daughter of Jupiter. Goddess of wisdom and patroness of artisans. |
Vulcan | God associated with fire and related activities such as blacksmithing. |
Diana | Goddess of forests, hunting and animals. |
Phoebus | Conductor god of the solar disk. He was also associated with poetry and music. |
Venus | Goddess of love. |
Pluto | God of the underworld and the dead. |
Neptune | God of the sea and ocean. |
Mars | God of War. |
Mercury | God of commerce. |
Bacchus | God of party wine. |
Art in Roman culture Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
The architecture and construction of civil works were the areas where most Romans were highlighted.
They were characterized by the use of the semicircular arch, the barrel vault and the dome and by the development of reinforced concrete as a construction material.
Among the works that have survived are the Flavian Amphitheater (known as the Colosseum), the Pantheon of Agrippa, the Marcellus Theater and various constructions both in the Roman forum and in other cities in the Roman provinces.
The immense network of roads that ran throughout the empire and still persists in many regions, as well as the aqueducts, also stands out . Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
Sculpture Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
Roman sculpture had a great influence from the Greek . His models were adapted to Roman taste and needs, more practical and concrete.
Specifically Roman were the busts that portrayed different characters in society and the commemorative reliefs .
Roman culture has also developed great thinkers and texts regarding Western philosophy . These are based on Greek philosophy, the foundations of pragmatism and eclecticism.
In general, the Romans were characterized by being more practical than theoretical.
Roman painting is known especially from the remains of wall paintings that were preserved in the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
They also developed the mosaic technique: by means of small colored stones, scenes of different kinds were represented on floors and walls.
Economy of Roman culture Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
The Roman economy was based on agriculture and commerce.
Since the end of the Republic, the land was concentrated in the hands of large landowners who lived in the cities and delegated the administration of their establishments.
What was produced on these farms was mainly dedicated to trade in the large urban markets .
Handicraft production was concentrated in the cities . From small family workshops to large facilities, they produced all kinds of goods that were destined for internal consumption and trade.
The enormous extension of the empire favored the production of a great variety of goods that were exchanged between the different regions through land and sea trade. Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
Social and political organization
Social organization
Roman society was patriarchal . Only men had economic and political power. Within the family structure, the pater familiae or “father of the family” had absolute power over all members of the group, from direct relatives to serfs and slaves.
The company was divided into the following estates:
- Patricians : it was the highest class of society. It was made up of the oldest families. From 367 a. C. they were gotten up to this group, with the category of noble, the rich commoners. They had the political, religious and economic power.
- Commoners : they were free citizens, peasants, merchants and artisans. During the Republic they came to integrate political bodies such as the Assembly of the People. From 212 d. Roman citizenship was granted to all the free men of the empire.
- Slaves : they were very numerous. They took care of rural jobs, labor in artisan workshops, and domestic activities in the homes of rich families. Their situation evolved over time, although, legally, they did not have the category of person but of “thing”.
Political organization Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
In the first stage of the development of Rome, its form of government was a monarchy . In 509 a. C. was constituted a republic with division of powers between different institutions. Finally, in 27 a. Octavio’s coronation as emperor, began the empire .
Starting with the Republic, the power of the State was divided into several organs.
- The Senate was the highest institution during the Republican period.
- The Assemblies were organizations of citizen participation. There were three: the Assembly of the Curiae, the Assembly of Centuries and the Assembly of the Plebs. Who are the 12 major Roman gods?
- The Magistracy was the governing body. It was headed by two consuls who lasted a year in office.
During the imperial period the Senate continued to exist, but effective power was concentrated in the figure of the emperor, who had military, political, legislative and religious power.