
What is Laughter Therapy working Benefits Interesting Facts

What Is Laughter Therapy?

Laughter therapy is an alternative and complementary therapy, based on a natural and inherent human action: the act of laughing. We can characterize it as: psychotherapeutic strategy or technique with the aim of, through laughter, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

This technique gained greater visibility in the 60s, with Hunter Doherty Adams, an American physician. Doctor Doherty showed that happiness, together with humanized treatment, were decisive in the recovery of hospitalized patients, revolutionizing medicine.

It is important to remember that laughter therapy is a complementary therapy to the treatment of disorders. This is because this therapy itself is not able to cure, but it has positive results on the body.

More about Laughter Therapy

Laughing only brings us good emotions. No wonder they say that laughter is the best medicine. But such a phrase is not just a popular saying, there are researches that prove the benefit of laughter. In this article we will let you know about Laughter Therapy?

In addition, there is a very used technique, combined with psychotherapy, called laughter therapy.

In this article we will introduce you to laughter therapy and point out some scientifically proven benefits of laughter.

How Does Laughter Therapy Work?

Laughter therapy is indicated for people who are going through difficult times in their lives. It can be carried out in individual or collective sessions, where exercises that stimulate laughter are performed.

Laughter therapy cannot replace conventional treatments with psychological support. It is essential that the person undergo psychotherapy and follow-up sessions with a medical professional, such as a psychiatrist.

Why Do We Laugh?

The cause of laughter and laughter is different. Laughter is often a reflection and response to pleasurable thoughts, situations, or messages.

As for laughter, many researchers have already studied its reason. Most of them came to the conclusion that laughter is the result of evolution, a universal non-verbal language, which is often used to express the state of mind that everyone understands.

Laughter is involuntary. Although you can stop laughing, you cannot intentionally produce or encourage laughter. Besides, we have been able to laugh since we were born.

What Are The Benefits Of Laughter Therapy?

When a person practices laughter therapy, their blood pressure decreases and the so-called happiness hormones are released: serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and endorphins. These hormones give a feeling of well-being.

In addition, some studies point out that laughing can reduce pain by up to 10%, and reduce the production of cortisol, responsible for stress. In addition, some other benefits of laughter therapy are:

  • Improves certain symptoms of anxiety, in addition to helping with relaxation and breathing;
  • Assists in the treatment of some cases of depression, as it awakens a more optimistic view;
  • Increases self-esteem;
  • It helps to deal with dementia by decreasing its symptoms.

Laughter therapy can also improve your immune system, as the amount of cortisol in your bloodstream decreases.

Moreover, not only laughter therapy brings benefits. Laughing in everyday life can be good for your mental health. There are numerous benefits of laughter.

Increased Good Cholesterol

Laughter can increase levels of what is considered good cholesterol, HDL. A university in the United States carried out a survey in which a group of people was encouraged to laugh. As a result, these people had their HDL level elevated by up to 26%.

Still, in addition to relieving constipation, laughing allows the release of lipoproteins in the blood. These molecules are responsible for reducing the level of bad cholesterol, LDL.

Improves Blood Circulation

When we start laughing, our heart rate speeds up. Our beats can reach 120 beats per minute, causing the blood to circulate with greater intensity in the body. Such acceleration then increases the oxygenation of cells, organs and tissues.

Rejuvenating Action

Laughter has many benefits for the skin. When we laugh, we use about 12 facial muscles. When we laugh, however, the number of muscles moved doubles, reaching 24. However, when we talk and laugh at the same time, we move 84 facial muscles. All this movement stretches the skin, delaying the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, laughing has a toning effect, because when we laugh, our heart pumps blood faster, making us sweat and even cry. In this way, we release toxins from our skin and improve its appearance.

Interesting Facts About Laughter

In addition to the benefits to our physical health, laughing can improve our mental health. Here are some interesting facts that laughter has, as well as some mental health benefits:

  • People who laugh are more attractive;
  • Laughter makes you seem like a friendlier person;
  • Laughter is contagious;
  • We often smile when we are in company;
  • People who laugh, live longer;
  • Laughing can get you promotions and success at work;
  • Babies can laugh in the womb;
  • Laughter improves mood and will to live;
  • It is believed that there are up to 19 types of laughter.

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