
What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it with identification

What is Imposter Syndrome

Let us discuss about What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it with identification.

At some point in your professional career, have you ever felt that the success achieved was not deserved or that it was a fraud? So, you have a big clue to the Imposter Syndrome.

Still, when receiving positive feedback from a teammate, do you usually disagree and feel that you did nothing more than your obligation? It is possible that you are part of the 70% of people who have the syndrome.

In a work routine, it is extremely important to have a good emotional intelligence , in order to achieve success in your position and functions, with a stable and balanced relationship between work and health.

Identifying the syndrome

To identify whether an employee has Imposter Syndrome, a soft skill that the responsible HR professional must have is empathy when analyzing the behavior and the main signs that he can demonstrate, such as:

  • identify a feeling of not belonging/worthiness;
  • check whether the person feels uncomfortable with an unexpected compliment;
  • identify if there is a feeling of inadequacy of the employee in relation to the rest of the team;
  • analyze whether the employee is constantly criticizing their work and deliverables;
  • assess whether when faced with a large project or delivery presentation, the professional is more nervous than usual;
  • identify whether some of the employee’s attitudes can be classified as self-sabotage, beginning to undermine their chance of success.

These are the main signs that a professional is experiencing an Imposter Syndrome, but it is important to emphasize that the symptoms are more comprehensive.

How to combat the syndrome

What to do to be able to treat this syndrome that affects so many people and their routines? Well, it is important to know that there are some main and essential steps for it to be treated and overcome. These are small ways and approaches, which can be applied simultaneously, in everyday life and in the work routine.

Before starting to cite the topics that we separated, it is important to remember that working with what you like is an essential step in being able to treat the Imposter Syndrome.

1-Self knowledge

One of the main points that deserves attention is self-knowledge. The professional who suffers from the Imposter Syndrome, as we have already mentioned, tends to believe that he is not enough or worthy of the recognition he deserves.

Thus, through self-knowledge, it is possible to really trace strengths and weaknesses of personality and professionalism, knowing more deeply about their abilities and skills.

Finally, self-knowledge is essential for the employee to have good health in the work environment.

2-Work on strengths and weaknesses

Once self-knowledge is up to date, it is possible to draw up an action plan to further improve the strengths and work on the weaknesses.

Once this knowledge is clear, it becomes less arduous to perform tasks within the scope of work. Deliveries are more efficient and the professional feels more productive.

The strengths must be increasingly worked on, encouraged and improved. The weak ones, on the other hand, need to be analyzed so that one can learn from them and, in this way, be able to study whether it is necessary to invest more time in improving them or leaving them aside.

3-help from a psychologist

In some cases, the help of a professional able to treat the Imposter Syndrome is recommended. With a consultation with a psychologist, it is possible to treat deeper traumas, performing a thorough analysis of the origin of what may be causing the syndrome.

Here, ways to handle the situation are discussed. Furthermore, it is even possible that the person with the syndrome is not aware that they are living with it. Therefore, a psychologist is essential to help with this discovery.

4-support system

Creating a good relationship network is a big step towards treating the syndrome. When you’re surrounded by people who really trust, admire and praise your work in the right way, it makes all the difference.

Also, it is important to have a mentor to turn to for advice and opinions. Finally, asking for constant performance feedback is a great way to stay balanced.

5-Respect the limits

Last but not least, it is essential to know how to respect the limits that the mind and body impose during a work routine. This topic is closely related to self-knowledge, since it is possible to identify its limits.

Often, our body gives us signs of what we can or cannot stand to produce, perform or exercise and it is essential to be alert and willing to recognize and respect them.

How Imposter Syndrome Affects Everyday Life

In a professional setting, the syndrome can play many pranks in a worker’s daily life. One of the situations that happens is, because they feel that their work is never good enough, the employee wears out much more than necessary with a delivery.

In addition, the professional may also face a scenario where he does not feel fit enough to perform tasks he knows how to do and ends up causing delays in deliveries and in the workflow.

Still, in more serious cases of the Imposter Syndrome, the employee may end up feeling extremely pressured, causing high stress and generating other psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety.

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