What is Corporate training/ How to structure training in organization/Benefits
For good results and achievement of business goals, more than just having good talent and offering salaries and benefits is needed. Investing in employee training and corporate training is essential.
Having training and development strategies is crucial for a company to remain competitive in the market, achieve results and develop necessary skills in employees that are in line with business objectives.
How is your company dealing with employee education and development? Learn more about corporate training and change the course of your business!
What is corporate training?
Corporate training is part of an education strategy that aims to improve an employee’s skills according to their job and role. Therefore, the trainings are classes and practices focused on objectives necessary for the profiles and companies.
Training and developing employees is essential for the company and employer relationship and, in the country, according to the Panorama of Training in Brazil 2019/2020 , carried out by ABTD – Brazilian Association of Training and Development and Integration – Business School, companies carry out in average 15 hours of training per employee, investing an average of R$652.00 per employee/year in training and development.
Corporate training can be directed to any employee, regardless of their position, as long as their content has to do with their work. In this way, this is a learning method that encompasses all sectors, from the production line to leadership positions.
The training strategy may include technical objectives, such as teaching new tools, learning processes and requirements, or behavioral objectives, encouraging leadership , communication and necessary skills for individuals or groups, for example.
In addition, training may have different modalities such as: those developed and applied in the company itself, those applied in the company, but which are contracted from companies or specialized consultancies or online , developed in EAD platforms or corporate universities.
Trainings can also rely on different teaching techniques, such as gamification , lectures, dynamics, video content, microlearning , handouts, assessment activities, among others.
It is always important to emphasize that, even though they are complementary concepts and strategies, training and development are different things. Corporate training is the process aimed at improving the performance of employees’ roles, while development is an ongoing strategy, focused on long-term performance and professional skill, not just for that role, but focusing on development as a whole.
What are the benefits of corporate training?
More than talking about what corporate training is, it is essential to point out its benefits to understand how it works in practice within the company. Check out some improvements that this strategy can bring to your business.
Increased productivity
Business results are directly linked to employees’ productivity and way of working. Having a training policy develops employees in their roles, making tasks better performed, increasing team productivity.
In addition, trained employees perform their tasks faster, with quality and assertiveness, reducing errors and rework, which generate large costs and waste of time.
Better engagement and motivation
Employees who feel valued by companies are naturally more engaged and motivated in carrying out their jobs. In addition, corporate training makes employees more clear about their tasks, feeling more confident in the organizational environment, providing innovation and results.
Improvement in the organizational climate
The motivation and engagement of employees, in addition to improving results, makes employees work in groups to achieve goals, improving the organizational climate .
In addition, collective corporate training allows members of different teams to get to know each other better, increasing team engagement, making one understand better about each other’s work and seeing about the importance of each function in the company, increasing group trust. and teamwork.
Reduce turnover and attract talent
Training programs allow employees to grow professionally and personally within the company. When feeling valued and with possibilities for career growth, it becomes more difficult for professionals to want to change organizations.
It is natural that within an organization there is turnover and exchange of employees, but reducing this number is important because it reduces costs, reduces the work of attracting, selecting, onboarding and training newcomers and maintains the motivation of the team.
Creates competitive differential
When a company invests in its employees , it means that it seeks innovation, development and advancement of its people. This makes the organization stand out in the market, improving its organizational image compared to competitors and attracting new talents who share these business values.
How to structure training in the organization?
The trainings require several steps for its accomplishment and good results. It is not enough just to design a training day and continue with the work routine , it is necessary to structure training programs so that this learning methodology is frequent in the organization.
We have separated some important tips for your company to put into practice when structuring this strategy, check it out!
1. Identify needs and plan
The first step in any business action is planning, so corporate training would be no different. It is necessary to study the organization, understand its pains, strengths and weaknesses, assess which skills and behaviors are needed in the short, medium and long term to be developed and which sectors and people are most lacking in relation to these needs.
For corporate training to exist, there must be demands to be resolved, right? So the first step is to identify them.
If your company is missing the role of leaders, it is essential to train leadership behaviors, if there are many errors in processes, you need to train employees on them, if there are new tools and your organization wants to implement them, you need to teach employees, for example.
Understand what needs to be trained and define priorities and urgencies that impact the result. Techniques such as Survey of Training Needs (LNT) , which include performance evaluation, questionnaires, interviews and observation, can be a good ally for this first moment of identification and planning.
By understanding the organization’s scenario, processes and employees, it will be easier to define content, schedules, approaches, tools and methodologies for the most different audiences and themes.
At the beginning of the structuring, it is also important to study the budget that will be released for training so that we can work with the reality of the organization.
2. Set goals
Based on the needs identified in the previous step, it is necessary to define goals and objectives with the implementation of training programs. These objectives must be specific, measurable and time-bound.
It is important to have goals that are achievable , but that are not too simple so as not to discourage employees in the process.
3. Know the public and define methodologies
Many managers and HR professionals know less about their internal audience than they should, so it is essential to know about employee profiles so that training is suitable for everyone.
Understanding the needs, expectations, ways of working, the way of consuming information and personal and professional desires, for example, are essential to set up actions that generate engagement and results.
For this, it is essential that HR works together with the leaders of each sector, seeking information on the development of employees . Knowing who to talk to internally is a basic rule for company communication that is often forgotten.
Knowing more about your audience, objectives, goals and needs, it also becomes easier to choose methodologies for training programs . It’s important to have several options during the learning path so that it doesn’t become dull and tiring.
It is worth alternating between face-to-face and online training, for example, using gamification for assessments, missions and competitions, inserting microlearning into daily tasks with small doses of knowledge and always thinking of the employee as the most important part of learning, using active teaching methodologies .
There are several tools that can be used by companies to prepare corporate training, from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, timers, meeting rooms, online platforms, gamification platforms, among others.
Many techniques and tools emerge from time to time to help HR and corporate education, so it is necessary to keep an eye on trends so as not to be left behind in any form of learning that can be provided to employees.
4. Prepare the trainings
After so much information gathered, it’s time to get your hands dirty and prepare the training. It is natural that there are several themes and groups to be trained, so it is necessary to create a structure in relation to the elaboration of each one of them.
It is important to think about the format of the course for its elaboration and those responsible for this task, whether internal professionals or hiring and partnerships for this realization.
If the classes are in person, it is important to prepare handouts, slides, materials, physical space, among others. For online classes, it is also necessary to think about materials in video, text, audio and platforms for employees to access content.
It is crucial to focus on dynamic content that piques the interest of the employee and does not make training boring for participants.
5. Run the trainings
The execution of the training starts long before the first actual class. Before it happens, it is necessary to publicize and engage employees for its importance. Therefore, it is essential to foster a culture of learning and development so that employees are willing to participate in training programs and do not see this task as calendar needs.
Use company media such as e-mail, intranet, notice boards, in addition to relying on the collaboration of leaders to disseminate the need for training.
When the training day arrives, put into practice everything that was planned, respect schedules and schedules and always put the student at the center of learning, in the most dynamic way possible.
At the end of each training, collect feedback from the participants so that improvement strategies can be drawn up in the next executions.
5. Measure
Training does not end at the end of classes, whether in person or online , and to understand whether the learning method is working, it is necessary to measure and measure the results of each action.
There can be many indicators used in training, such as participation and absenteeism rates, assessments and tests, feedback, among others. In learning and gamification platforms, for example, it is possible to monitor the development of employees through detailed reports that generate various insights.
There are no right indicators or the correct number of how many to use, the important thing is to understand what makes sense in your scenario and not fail to follow it. But, more than measuring numbers and results, it is necessary to monitor the teams and collaborators to understand if in fact there are practical changes at work.
It is essential to check performance after training to understand if they are having an effect on daily work.
Evaluating is crucial to see if the objectives outlined at the beginning of the strategy are being achieved, as well as providing materials for HR to implement and improve its corporate training actions.
Training and development programs are essential for employee and company growth. Investing in organizational culture has a lot of benefits for the business and makes employees feel increasingly engaged and focused on the organization’s goals.
Care must be taken when setting up training programs that are actually necessary and can bring results to employees, that are intended to solve problems raised, that pass on information, but are not boring and extremely tiring, causing the employee to absorb little information and that actually engage employees to participate.
With good training experiences, employees automatically engage, comment on their groups and sectors and lead new employees to interest in growth and development.