
What is Abstract Art definition/concept

Painting is one of the plastic arts that from the Stone Age to the present time has not stopped evolving in relation to its techniques, themes and creative currents. Abstract art is a pictorial trend that began in the 20th century in the context of the artistic avant – garde .

Main characteristics of abstract movement

The main characteristic of this movement is the representation reflected on the canvas not defined with objective and conventional criteria, therefore, the interpretation of what is seen is not evident. Thus, what is represented is not the world of appearances, but abstract ideas that come from the artist’s inner world. Abstract art

The language of colors and shapes that has its own meaning.

The purpose of painting is not to reproduce some images, but to convey emotions through stains, lines and colors. In this sense, colors communicate feelings (for example, red transmits energy ) and shapes express ideas (for example, the circle can symbolize perfection).

historical perspective

Before the appearance of the first manifestations of abstract painting, the symbolism artists of the late nineteenth century believed in the existence of a deep reality in reality itself. However, art historians consider that the real father of abstract painting is the Russian Vasili Kandiski (1866-1944), who in the 1910s took his first steps in abstraction and distanced himself from traditional pictorial schemes. Abstract art

The images on his canvases were inspired by the fusion of sensory perceptions, where music, sight and hearing were very present in his works. Kandinsky’s Works are full of symbolism, their own emotional universe and a mystical spirit. Kandiski’s first creations were considered simple scribbles and his art was evaluated as a degenerate trend, but over time, abstraction in painting has consolidated itself as an artistic trend that has continued to evolve until our days.

Abstract movement in painting presents different versions and trends: the predominance of geometric shapes in Cubism, abstract expressionism based on the concept of surface and chromatism or abstract surrealism characterized by pure automatism and the role of the unconscious in pictorial work. Abstract art

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