Physical phenomenon examples Gravity Air pressure light Sound
Physical phenomena are changes that occur in substances, materials or bodies. The most important thing about a physical phenomenon is that it can be observed, that the substance, body or matter does not change and that the change can be reversible. In this article we will impart you examples of Physical phenomenon.
It should not be confused with a chemical phenomenon, which refers to the permanent and irreversible change of a body, matter or substance. These changes produce one or more new bodies, materials or substances once the molecular structure is modified.
Examples of Physical phenomenon
1- Gravity
Without gravity, walking, jumping, skiing, or diving would be impossible. All things fall to the ground, and that was taken for granted until Isaac Newton arrived.
If there were no gravity, we would all be floating and not stuck on Earth’s surface with no atmosphere. Gravity is a physical phenomenon that holds everything together and makes life on Earth possible.
2- Air pressure
If we didn’t have air pressure, the internal blood pressure would cause the human body to explode. This is the reason astronauts need to wear spacesuits in space (leaving out radiation exposure).
3- The light
Light is a wave, so it experiences diffraction (scattering), reflection, and refraction. Diffraction is what makes rainbows; Reflection is what allows us to see ourselves in the mirror.
Refraction is what allows us to look through magnifying glasses, microscopes and telescopes to discover wonders much smaller or farther away from us.
4- Sound
Sound is a wave that travels through air and other materials. Without sound, we wouldn’t have music and we wouldn’t be able to communicate by talking.
5- Energy conservation
Energy conservation allowed physicists and engineers to develop theoretical models and build machines to exploit nature. It’s a simple principle that allows us to predict how much energy we can get from a machine.
The fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed also means that we cannot get free energy without doing work.
6- Entropy
Entropy always increases. This phenomenon does so many things that it is impossible to list them all.
The diffusion of gases allows us to breathe the oxygen that plants create. Other examples are electric current, thermal current, flow of water from higher to lower heights, etc.
7- Nuclear Fusion
It is the process that enhances the sun, that provides the heat and light necessary for life to be possible on Earth.
8- Newton’s third law
It’s what allows us to sit in a chair without crushing it, walking around applying a force to the floor and making every action have an equal and opposite reaction.
9- Earthquakes
Earthquakes occur because the Earth is made up of tectonic plates connected by fault lines. When the stress between these plates increases and one of them decreases, shock waves are sent through the earth and any nearby body of water.
10- Hurricanes
They form over the ocean when an area of low pressure is fed by the heat of condensation.
That heat comes from water vapor rising to form clouds, which releases energy. If there is no outlet for the accumulation of energy, the winds accumulate.
11- The Northern Lights
It occurs when electrons from solar wind energy interact with molecules and atoms in our atmosphere.
Earth’s magnetic field captures a portion of the solar wind, and the light display comes from the many collisions between particles.
12- Mastodontic clouds
Also known as mammatocumulus, which means “patchy clouds,” is a cellular pattern of sacs that lie beneath the base of a cloud. Composed mostly of ice, mastodontic clouds can stretch for hundreds of kilometers.
13- Red tides
Better known as an algal bloom, a so-called red tide is a natural event in which estuarine, marine or freshwater algae rapidly accumulates in the water column and can turn entire areas of an ocean or beach a red color. blood
This phenomenon is caused by high levels of phytoplankton accumulating to form dense clouds visible near the surface of the water.
14- Buzzes
“Tinnitus” is the common name for a series of phenomena involving persistent and pervasive low-frequency tinnitus that is not audible to all people. Buzzes have been reported in multiple geographic locations.
They have been reported around the world, especially in Europe: a hum on the big island of Hawaii, typically related to volcanic action, is heard from locations tens of kilometers away.
15- Maelstroms
Vortexes, huge whirlpools, have a long history in fiction as a terrible danger to sailors. In real life, there have never been cases when large ships were sunk by whirlpools.
The turbulent masses of water in the eddies, usually driven by unusually strong tides, are impressive.
16- Moon’s Rainbow
A lunar rainbow is an arc produced by moonlight rather than sunlight. Aside from the difference in light source, its formation is exactly the same as a solar rainbow.
It is caused by the refraction of light in many water droplets, such as rain or a waterfall, and is always located in the opposite part of the sky from the moon relative to the observer.
17- Pillar of light
A light pillar is an atmospheric optical phenomenon in the form of a vertical band of light that appears to extend above and/or below a light source.
The effect is created by the reflection of light from many small ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere or clouds.