APK Apps
MonkeyPox Apk 3.0 download for Android Free Latest version
MonkeyPox Apk
Monkeypox apk is a rare cause caused by a Monkeypox virus infection. The variola dos macaques virus belongs to the genus Orthopox virus, which is part of the Poxviridae family. The orthopox viruses of the genus include either variola virus (which causes variola), or vaccinia virus (used in a vaccine against variola) and or bovine variola virus.
The apk originated in 1958, when two surges of similar to occurred in macaque study colonies. The first cases of smallpox in humans were reported in 1970 amid growing efforts to eradicate smallpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
MonkeyPox Apk Aditional Information
Name | MonkeyPox Apk |
Version | MonkeyPox APK 3.0 |
Updated | Aug, 2023 |
Developer | Muhammad Ahmad |
ID | com.MonkeyPoxapk |
Installs | 100,000+ |
Category | Apk Apps |
Updated on December
Updated on Aug 2023 V Monkeypox AI_1.0.1
Updated on Aug 2923 V 3.0.xapk
MonkeyPox Apk Features
- Monkeypox is the cause of the monkeypox virus, which belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus and belongs to the family Poxviridae.
- Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral infection that is found mainly in tropical forests in Central and West Africa, but may also be found in other parts of the world.
- Fever, skin rash, and swollen lymph nodes are common symptoms of macaque variola, which can lead to a variety of medical problems.
- Monkeypox is normally a self-limiting condition, with symptoms lasting between two and four weeks. Severe cases are possible. A case fatality rate has been approximately 3-6 percent in recent years.
- Monkeypox is transmissions for people entering into intimate contact with a person or animal ended up, or touching contaminated material.
- Monkeypox has a clinical appearance resembling smallpox, an orthopoxvirus-related infection that was proclaimed globally eradicated in 1980.
- Monkeypox is less contagious and causes less severe illness than smallpox.
- The vaccines used in the smallpox eradication campaign were also effective against smallpox. The most recent vaccines were developed, one of which was licensed for the prevention of varíola two macaques.
- Monkeypox is being treated with an antiviral drug that was designed to treat smallpox.