
How to post a job on LinkedIn with Practices for Finding Candidates

How to post a job on LinkedIn

In an increasingly digital world, social media has changed the way we interact socially and professionally. In this sense, LinkedIn Vagas has proven to be an effective recruitment and selection tool . That’s because, this social network focused on networking allows recruiters and candidates to connect more dynamically. In this article we will define you the way How to post a job on LinkedIn?

More than a way to display resumes virtually, LinkedIn allows professionals to publish articles, photos, certifications or videos, all focused on their professional performance, becoming a true showcase that attracts companies that match the cultural fit of candidate.

But do you, as an HR member, know how to advertise job openings and aggressively search for candidates on LinkedIn? If your answer is “no”, we have prepared this article to answer all your doubts and help you find the ideal candidate for your company on this platform. Check out!

Ways to Post a job on LinkedIn

There are two ways to post jobs on LinkedIn. The first is through paid advertisements, charged by the amount of “clicks”. The second option is the free mode, via publications on the platform’s companies or groups page.

1-paid advertisement

If your company doesn’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, the first step is to create an account. Then follow the following path:

  • Step 1: Go to LinkedIn’s main page in your browser and click on “Solutions” in the top menu;
  • step 2: with the right side menu open, select the item “Advertise vacancy”;
  • step 3: at  this moment, you will fill in the field informing company, position and address. In addition, it is possible to advertise remote vacancies. Right after filling it out, click on “Start job advertisement”;
  • step 4: here, fill in the fields indicating the function, type of work, sector of the company and create a very detailed description of the vacancy;
  • Step 5: Add related keywords to make the job more visible and reach your target audience. Also, choose how you would like to receive applications. Afterwards, click on “Continue”;
  • step 6: after clicking the “Promote vacancy” button , it is time to add your credit card details on the checkout page;
  • Step 7: Finally, review all completed topics before posting the vacancy. After posting it, LinkedIn Vacancies also allows you to view your daily budget, total budget, and other details, such as the profile of candidates who have been viewing the vacancy, enabling an analysis of them;
  • Step 8: To increase your post’s reach, LinkedIn Jobs also allows you to share your ad on other social media .

Regarding payment, if you already have a payment method registered as a default, it will be displayed. Click on “Add Payment” if you wish to add a new payment method for this purchase.

As for the amounts, you can pay by setting an average daily budget. The amount you will be charged will depend on your budget and the number of views of the job ad by applicants.

2-free ad

Of course, not all companies are able to post paid ads on LinkedIn Vacancies . But there are two ways you can take advantage of the high volume of hits on the social network to find that candidate who matches your company’s vacancy.

1-Use your company profile to post vacancies

If you are looking to keep your company’s page always updated, with interesting posts, such as articles, videos that add quality informative content, this will make potential candidates follow your profile.

Thus, you can advertise vacancies through posts, making interested people to show interest when commenting by tagging or tagging colleagues who have the cultural fit of the vacancy in question.

In addition, professionals in the field can even share the vacancy in their own profiles in order to help their professional colleagues. That way, you’ll have free, assertive, and far-reaching advertising within LinkedIn.

2-Post jobs to LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn groups bring together several professionals from the same area of ​​expertise, with the aim of networking , seeking new knowledge or exchanging experiences.

Therefore, posting vacancies within these groups can be a great way to find professionals who have the soft and hard skills that your company is looking for. Also, some of these groups have specific “LinkedIn Jobs” tabs, where you can post for free and assertively.

Best Practices for Finding the Ideal Candidate on LinkedIn Jobs

Now that you know how to advertise your company’s vacancy, both paid and free on LinkedIn Vacancies, we’ve put together some tips with the best recruitment and selection practices to find professionals who have the necessary skills for the position and who match with the company culture .

1-Be specific in the job description.

For the position to reach the right professionals, it is not enough just to describe the hard skills that the position demands. Here, it is also necessary to use the “ Hunting ” process.

It is a methodology that consists of emphasizing, when posting a vacancy or carrying out an R&S process, the company’s culture, how it is routine within the organizational environment, form of dress required, whether it has flexible hours, among other specifications.

Finally, the Hunting method is a key to attracting only professionals who are aligned with the company’s culture , saving the HR professional’s time in screening potential candidates.

2-Use technology to filter candidates

Currently, most social networks, including LinkedIn, allow specific searches through filters, cited searches and keywords. This mechanism is also known as “ Boolean Search ”.

Thus, the recruiter can search and filter more accurately within the platform, reducing the time of the selection process and increasing the chances of hiring the right person for the position.

See how simple it is to post job openings and search for the best candidates on LinkedIn?

In addition to ending up with piles of paper resumes, having this social network focused on the corporate world, with more than 660 million users worldwide, helps HR, offering a range of options for candidates with the most diverse market experiences and culture, in addition to soft and hard skills that interest the company.

So, if your company does not have a profile yet and does not publish Vacancies on LinkedIn, pay attention to this trend in the business market by creating an account right now!

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