Language and Linguistics

Difference between Philosophical and Theological Knowledge/comparison table

Theological knowledge and philosophical knowledge, like the scientific and the empirical, most of the time are opposed. However, both have more in common than can be thought, starting with the fact that both types of knowledge accept that they cannot be proven as the basis of their very existence. Difference between Philosophical and Theological Knowledge

Comparative table Difference between Philosophical and Theological Knowledge

Philosophical knowledge
Theological knowledge
What is it? Philosophical knowledge is based neither on science nor on experience, but on the capacity for reflection of each individual. This type of knowledge is known as epistemologyEpistemology studies knowledge itself. It is a way of meta-scientifically analyzing knowledge. On the other hand, theological knowledge is one that seeks to explain all kinds of events through the dogmas of faith. This means that everything, from the most everyday event to that which has no apparent explanation, is the work of a supreme divine being.

The basis of everything within theological knowledge is the existence of an omnipresent and omnipotent god or gods.

Beginning It is based on the construction of knowledge and ideas from human reflection. One of the main pillars of philosophical knowledge is the recursive capacity of each person. This allows the human to reflect on issues that have already happened and draw their own conclusions about it. Epistemology gives rise to questioning, which helps in the subsequent construction of principles and methods that will help in the construction of other types of knowledge. Theological knowledge does not usually accept questions willingly. Rather, the great old truths are accepted as unique; they cannot be changed and there is no alternative to them. The authority of the highest figure is respected and dogmas are accepted. Theological knowledge has a good structure. It is also systematic and orderly; the origin, destination, purpose and meaning of each aspect that makes it up are explained.
Characteristics Philosophical knowledge is inaccurate, unverifiable, and personal. Difference between Philosophical and Theological Knowledge As for religious knowledge, this is dogmatic, systematic, it is not verifiable, but it is evaluative.

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