Customer experience trends 2023 and What did 2022 leave and 23 trends
Customer experience trends
In this article we will provide you the Customer experience trends 2023 and What did 2022 leave and 23 trends.
Customer service trends are those that indicate how to improve interactions with consumers before, during and after the purchase
The last few years have been marked by change and the need to be prepared for unexpected circumstances in all business areas. As a result, new Customer experience trends have emerged to meet consumer expectations and needs.
What did 2022 leave us in customer experience?
When 2022 began, expectations were very optimistic, in the sense of being close to exiting the ravages of the terrible Covid 19 pandemic.
However, as the weeks passed, we realized that the spiral continued its way down ; new variants of the virus, less public awareness of the seriousness of the issue, less (or rather, the same minimal) ability of Latin American governments to cope with the crisis and all this continued to undermine confidence that the economy could recover earlier than later.
Among the consequences of all this, it turned out that for some companies the state of crisis arose or was maintained, where at all costs it was necessary to seek savings, either in the crudest of senses, which is to cut jobs, or in that of cutting programs that appear to be expendable, in order to continue producing and selling products or services, in order to survive.
Such is the case of some marketing programs, or, as in the case that leads us as professionals, customer experience programs .
2022 began with great plans so that the trend of companies focusing on their customers, through strategies and structured programs, can finally lead to positive results in income and real growth of the same.
However, this was diminished, being only the recognized leading companies in this area that continued to take advantage of the permanent awareness that taking effective actions to enrich the experiences of their clients is what will make them remain in their minds and hearts. In other words, it will maintain a loyal customer base, who will hardly leave, even if they find an apparent better option.
However, it is also a reality that there were great advances in terms of CX during 2022 . Most organizations have a real intention to fully enter this world and are taking actions to capitalize on the programs and strategies that are beginning. to implement.
23 Trends in customer experience
Trends in customer experience include all innovations that seek to adapt companies’ offerings of products, services and ideas to the changing needs of the people who buy from them. Check out!
1. Accelerated digital transformation
70 % of organizations have a digital transformation strategy or plan to develop one soon. From a customer experience perspective , this involves, for example, using technology to increase collaboration between employees to prevent data from being lost between departments.
2. Omnichannel as standard
According to a study carried out with 46 thousand people and published in Harvard Business Review , 7 out of 10 consumers use more than one channel to buy. This means that companies must invest in an omnichannel approach that integrates not only points of sale but also customer interactions in one place.
3. New payment methods
Research by Ebanx revealed that e-commerce is expected to grow by 30% each year until 2025 in Latin America . This increase will be accompanied by the improvement of existing payment methods and the creation of new solutions focused on real-time transactions, such as PIX in Brazil and digital cryptocurrency wallets in Argentina and Mexico .
4. Self-service
Among customer experience trends, self-service seems to be one that never goes out of style. 72% of customers want immediate service, such as a help center, chatbot , or community forum .
5. Accessibility resources
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , more than 2 billion people live with some disability. However, 90% of websites are inaccessible to people with disabilities who rely on assistive technologies.
More than a commitment to customer service trends, implementing accessibility resources should be a priority for companies that value the diversity of their audience’s needs.
6. Speak the customers’ language
Did you know that 9 out of 10 Internet users say that when they have a choice, they always visit a website in their native language? Other studies even show that the ability to get information in their own language is more important than price for more than half of consumers .
7. Convenience in interactions
As companies reflect on trends in customer experience, they should never lose sight of the importance of convenience in interactions. After all, people increasingly want agile, practical and precise service.
8. Authenticity in branding
Competition is increasingly fierce in the market. To stand out from the crowd, it is not enough to treat the customer well and satisfy their needs. In fact, 86% of consumers say authenticity is a key factor when deciding which brands they like and support.
9. Easy access to information
53 % of shoppers say they always conduct online searches before purchasing to ensure they are making the best decision possible. The problem is that they do not always find updated or relevant information to resolve their doubts.
10. Concern for sustainability
A 2021 Zendesk study found that 6 in 10 customers want to buy from companies that act socially responsible. This means that people expect me to make social, economic, environmental and minority commitments. This is a way to share your successes and reduce the negative impact of your operations on the community of which you are a part.
11. Desire for data privacy
According to Forbes , 5 in 10 consumers feel they have lost control over their data. It’s no surprise that one of the trends in customer experience is the desire for greater data privacy.
This desire materialized in laws that regulate the collection, storage, processing and sharing of data by companies – something you should be familiar with to act in accordance with best market practices.
12. Transparent communication
According to research from Sprout Social , 40% of people say brand transparency on social media is more important than ever. This agreement for more open and honest communication must be maintained not only in times when everything is going well, but also in times of difficulty or even crisis.
Customer Service Trends
Customer service trends are those that indicate how to improve interactions with consumers before, during and after the purchase. Here are some tips for 2023!
13. Humanized support
When it comes to human interactions, what matters most is quality, not quantity. In fact, Zendesk’s 2023 Customer Experience Trends Report found that 66% of consumers who frequently interact with support say a bad interaction with a company can ruin their day.
14. Trained agents
Another finding from the Zendesk Trends Report was that 6 in 10 agents say a lack of consumer data often causes a negative customer experience. This suggests that providing more skills-based training can improve agent performance and customer satisfaction.
15. Crisis-ready teams
Customers expect service to be fast, easy and efficient , and are willing to look elsewhere if they don’t get it from you. Indeed, the Zendesk Report shows that 70% of consumers spend more with companies that offer seamless, personalized and seamless customer experiences.
16. Personalization
Among customer service trends, this is a constant that deserves attention with each passing year. According to Accenture , 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize them and provide relevant offers or recommendations.
17. Dialogue on price changes
Gone are the days when companies changed the prices of their products without talking to customers. Rather than asking for permission to make this decision, trends show that you should explain why in a compelling way so as not to alienate customers.
To give you an idea, the perceived fairness of the reason for the price increase is the second most important factor in how customers react.
Trends in customer service
Lastly, we have trends in customer service. They are those developments that indicate what the expectations and preferences of consumers are when requesting help from companies. This includes communication channels , speed of responses, and even the friendliness of agents during the support process .
18. Simplifying the flow of care
According to a Gartner study, 53% of organizations do not believe they make it easy for customers to handle their problems and requests. If this is also a reality in your company, it is a good time to review the customer service flowchart and simplify the way you provide support.
19. Support agents as a loyalty tool
According to Gallup , loyal customers represent more than 20% of a company’s business book, profitability and revenue. In this context, trends in customer service indicate that support agents can collaborate with the growth and strengthening of relationships with consumers.
20. Process automation
A story published in Forbes indicates that intelligent automation typically results in cost savings of 40% to 75%. This happens because employees stop wasting time on repetitive tasks and start focusing on what really matters in their roles.
21. Shared values at all levels
Did you know that 52% of employees are unaware of the vision and 49% are unaware of the values of the company they work for? These figures are too high to be ignored.
If you want to meet customer service trends, start by sharing your company’s values at all levels. This will help employees know what elements guide their actions on a daily basis.
22. Hire professionals aligned with the company philosophy
91 % of managers say a candidate’s alignment with company culture is equally or more important than their skills and experience. Therefore, when hiring support agents for your team, take into account these customer service trends, which favor alignment with values over technical skills – which can always be developed later.
23. Create virtual communities
A New York University study revealed that more than 1.8 billion people use Facebook groups each month. Why not use these spaces to create virtual communities around your products and services? In addition to fostering a sense of belonging, this can be an opportunity for customers to find help at their own pace, with people who also consume what you sell.