consonant cluster perfect imperfect and mixed consonant cluster
Consonant cluster
Consonant cluster is the sequence of two or more consonants in a word, without the existence of a vowel between them.
Examples : BR, CR, DR, FR, GR, PR, TR, VR, BL, CL, FL, GL, PL, TL, PS, PN, GN, CT, TM.
Words with consonant cluster
- the brigade ;
- fever ; _
- credit ;
- microphone ; _
- stone ; _
- glass ; _
- cold ;
- spina fr e;
- if gr edo;
- joy ; _
- preferred ;
- private ;
- tribe ;
- the back ;
- book ; _
- word ; _
- public ; _
- naked nude ;
- bicycle ; _
- recycle ; _
- flower ;
- flute ;
- globus ;
- glycerin ;
- pl anice;
- the application ;
- the tl eta;
- a tl as;
- ca cto ;
- ri tm o;
- ethical ma gn ;
- ps ianalysis.
Classification of consonant cluster
consonant cluster can be perfect, imperfect, mixed and phonetic
When it stays within the same syllable in the syllabic division, remaining inseparable, it is called a perfect consonant cluster (or proper or pure).
There is perfect consonant cluster when the consonants read join other consonants, as in dr, tr, gr, vr, cl, fl, pl, bl. Also when consonant clusters appear at the beginning of words.
- clear (clear);
- flowers (flowers);
- deep fryer (fri-ta-dei-ra);
- word vr a (pa-la-vra);
- pr ateleira (pra-te-lei-ra);
- ps ichologist (psi-có-lo-go);
- gn omo (gnome);
- eumatic pn (pneu-ma-ti-co).
When the consonant cluster is not within the same syllable, separating in the syllabic division, it is called an imperfect (or improper or disjunct) consonant cluster.
- a dv ogado (lawyer);
- a ft as (af-tas);
- lunch (lunch) ;
- cost as (cos-tas);
- fo rt e (for you);
- ma gn ethical (mag-né-ti-co);
- the etive bj (ob-je-ti-vo).
Attention! There is no consonant cluster when the letters men assume the role of a semivowel, producing a vowel sound. They do not have a consonant sound, as they only prolong the nasalization of the previous vowel: camp o , ponto nt o, ta mb or, li mp o, le nd a.
When, in the syllabic division, the consonant clusters present characteristics of perfect and imperfect consonant clusters:
- de str eza (des-tre-za);
- of struc- tion (des-tru-i-tion);
- dis – pli-cence (dis-pli-cence);
- fi ltr ation (fil-tra-tion).
Also called diphon, occurs when the consonant x takes on the sound cs, thus corresponding to two consonant phonemes:
- Tá x i (4 letters, 5 phonemes);
- the xila (5 letters, 6 phonemes);
- x igênio (8 letters, 9 phonemes) ;
- bo x e (4 letters, 5 phonemes);
- o x idation (8 letters, 9 phonemes).
Consonant Cluster and Digraph
The difference between digraph and consonant cluster is:
In the consonant cluster , each consonant maintains its own phoneme, making it possible to distinguish the sound of each consonant. Thus, each consonant represents a different phoneme:
- bl uses (5 letters, 5 phonemes);
- forest (8 letters, 8 phonemes);
- behind ( 8 letters, 8 phonemes);
- li vr o (5 letters, 5 phonemes).
In digraphs , each consonant loses its own phoneme, since the sequence of two consonants forms a single sound. Thus, the combination of the two consonants represents only one phoneme:
- mi ss a (5 letters, 4 phonemes);
- to rr e (5 letters, 4 phonemes);
- má quina (7 letters, 6 phonemes);
- cana lh a (7 letters, 6 phonemes).
Consonant cluster and vowel cluster
In addition to the consonant cluster, there is also a vowel cluster, that is, the sequence of vowel sounds in a word:
- box ; _
- or else;
- fl au ta;
- g oela ;
- mom mom ;
- equals ; _
- lounges ; _
- s health of;
- give it a go.
Vowel clusters can be classified into diphthong, triphthong and hiatus.