Coat of arms meaning/Classification of coats of arms
The coat of arms, also called the coat of arms , is a design created to identify families, individuals, corporations, cities, and countries. The coats of arms usually have a shield as a central element, a defense weapon used by medieval warriors. Coat of arms meaning
Although there are designs that can be compared to coats of arms in antiquity, this tradition was developed during the Middle Ages in Europe. At that time, coats of arms were offered to warriors who performed heroic deeds.
The field of study of coats of arms is called heraldry and its original confection follows strict rules, the heraldic laws . The act of drawing coats of arms was called “brasar” and those responsible for these drawings, “heraldists”.
From medieval coats of arms to family coats of arms
Even before the development of heraldry, other civilizations were already using symbols similar to coats of arms for their representation. During antiquity, symbolic elements of representation were developed by the Egyptians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. Coat of arms meaning
But it was during the Middle Ages, in European aristocracies , that this tradition gained strength. The coats of arms were offered as a tribute to the bravery of warriors and over time became representative symbols of families, they were a kind of badge that represented their status .
Coats of arms lost importance as monarchic regimes weakened, which happened at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century.
In the 20th century, coats of arms are used again, now to represent municipalities, states, regions, countries and other entities, such as football teams, for example.
Coats of arms also continued to be used as a tradition to represent families. Until today it is possible to find families that keep the image of coats of arms as an identification symbol. Coat of arms meaning
Classification of coats of arms
Coats of arms can be classified in several ways. See below the classification of these drawings according to the class and according to who they represent:
coats of arms classes
- Simple coats of arms: Simple coats of arms represent only one entity. Coat of arms meaning
- Composite coats of arms: Composite coats of arms are the union of two or more coats of arms, of different entities.
Representation of coats of arms
- Coats of arms: represent a sovereign state or a king.
- Holders’ coats of arms: represent a person who holds a position or who has received an honor.
- Family coats of arms: represent a family.
- Ecclesiastical coats of arms: represent the holder of a religious entity.
- Domain coats of arms: represent a non-sovereign territory.