English Grammar

Simple present tense examples with rules and formation

Simple Present

The Simple Present Tense , also called Present Simple (simple present), is one of the tenses of English. What is simple present tense with examples?

When to use Simple Present?

The Simple Present is a verb tense used to indicate habitual actions that occur in the present.

In addition, it is used to express universal truthsfeelingsdesiresopinions, and preferences.

Sometimes phrases in Simple Present have expressions of time (adverbs).

The most usual are:

every day

See some example sentences in Simple Present :

  • He plays soccer very well
  • She loves chocolate
  • They go to school in the afternoon. 
  • always read the newspaper in the morning
  • We generally travel to Brazil in December

Simple Present rules

The conjugation of Simple Present varies according to the verbal person, the verb ending and the type of sentence (affirmative, negative and interrogative.)

Check below the explanation about the formation of the S imple Present in the affirmative , negative and interrogative forms .

Affirmative Form What is simple present tense with examples?

As a general rule, it can be said that to conjugate a verb in the S imple Present , just use it in the infinitive without the to in the case of the pronouns I , you , we and they , and add – s , – es or – ies in case of the pronouns he , she and it .

Below is an example with the conjugation of the verb to work :

However, there are some specific rules for the inflection of the third person singular ( he, she and it ) that are related to the ending of verbs.

Verbs ending in -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x

We should add – es at the end of the verb.

Examples :

  • to teach – teaches
  • to watch – watches
  • to push – pushes
  • to kiss (kisses) – kisses
  • to go (go) – goes
  • to fix – fixes

Verbs ending in – y preceded by a consonant

Remove the – y and add – ies What is simple present tense with examples?

Examples :

  • to fry – fries
  • to fly – flies
  • to study – studies
  • to worry – worries

Verbs ending in – y preceded by a vowel What is simple present tense with examples?

Only the – s are added.

Examples :

  • to say – says
  • to play – plays

Verb position in affirmative sentences

See below the structure of forming affirmative sentences in Simple Present:

Subject + main verb + complement

Examples :

  • live in Brazil .  – verb to live 
  • He teaches Spanish at the university .  – verb to teach
  • They prefer Italian food verb to prefer .
  • She watches TV every day . to watch
  • We like to go to the beach during the week .  verb to like .
  • It pushes the door when it wants to get in.  – verb to push
  • You always arrive late . – verb to arrive .
  • She always kisses her grandma before leaving .  – verb to kiss
  • He goes to the gym on weekends.  verb to go
  • She fixes her car by herself.  verb to fix

Negative Form What is simple present tense with examples?

The negative form of Simple Present is formed using the auxiliary verbs of and does .

Do is used with the pronouns I , you , we and they. The does helper is used with he , she , it .

See below the conjugation of the negative form of the verb to work in Simple Present.

Note that in the negative form of Simple Present , the verb is always used in the infinitive without the to , even when it comes to the third person singular ( he , she and it ).

Negative phrases can be written completely ( do not or does not ) or contracted ( don’t or doesn’t ):

  • Do + not = don’t
  • Does + not = doesn’t

Verb position in negative sentences

See below the structure of forming negative phrases in Simple Present :

Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb + complement

Examples :

  • do not live in Brazil . . – verb to live .
  • He does not teach Spanish at the university .  – verb to teach .
  • They don’t prefer Italian food – verb to prefer 
  • She doesn’t watch TV every day . – verb to watch .
  • We do not like to go to the beach during the week .  – verb to like .
  • It does not push the door when it wants to get in. – verb to push .
  • You don’t arrive late .  – verb to arrive .
  • She doesn’t kiss her grandma before leaving .  – verb to kiss .
  • He does not go to the gym on weekends.  – verb to go .
  • She doesn’t fix her car by herself. – verb to fix .

Interrogative Form

Just as in negative sentences, the auxiliary ‘s and does are used to form interrogative sentences in Simple Present .

Do is used with I , you , we and they , and does is used with he , she and it .

See below the conjugation of the interrogative form of the verb to work in Simple Present :

Note that the verb is always used in the infinitive without the to , even when it comes to the third person singular ( he , she and it ). What is simple present tense with examples?

Verb position in interrogative sentences

See below the structure of forming interrogative phrases in Simple Present .

Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + complement


  • Do I own you money – verb to own 
  • Does he teach Spanish at the university?  – verb to teach .
  • Do they prefer Italian food – verb to prefer 
  • Does she watch TV every day?  – verb to watch .
  • Do we have classes on Saturdays?  – verb to have 
  • Does it push the door when it wants to get in?  – verb to push .
  • Do you arrive late? (Are you late?) – verb to arrive .
  • Does she kiss her grandma before leaving?  – verb to kiss .
  • Does he go to the gym on weekends? – verb to go
  • Does she fix her car by herself?  – verb to fix .

Conjugated verbs tables What is simple present tense with examples?

Now that you have learned the rules of Simple Present , see some examples of conjugated verbs.

Verb to love

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I love I do not / don’t love Do I love?
You love You do not / don’t love Do you love?
He loves He does not / doesn’t love Does he love?
She loves She does not / doesn’t love Does she love?
It loves It does not / doesn’t love Does it love?
We love We do not / don’t love Do we love?
You love You do not / don’t love Do you love?
They love They do not / don’t love Do they love?

Verb to be What is simple present tense with examples?

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am / I’m I am not / I’m not Am I?
You are / You’re You are not / aren’t Are you?
He is / He’s He is not / isn’t Is he?
She is / She’s She is not / isn’t Is she?
It is / It’s It is not / isn’t Is it?
We are / We’re We are not / aren’t Are we?
You are / You’re You are not / aren’t Are you?
They are / They’re They are not / aren’t Are they?

Verb to have

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I have I do not / don’t have Do I have?
You have You do not / don’t have Do you have?
He has He does not / doesn’t have Does he have?
She has She does not / doesn’t have Does she have?
It has It does not / doesn’t have Does it have?
We have We do not / don’t have Do we have?
You have You do not / don’t have Do you have?
They have They do not / don’t have Do they have?

Simple Present x Present Continuous

Both the Simple Present and the Present Continuous are verb tenses in the English language that indicate present tense.

However, it is common for both of them to cause doubts to those who want to practice and build sentences in English.

The Simple Present indicates habitual actions that took place in the present and also universal truths , feelings , desires , opinions and preferences .

The Present Continuous, on the other hand, indicates actions that are taking place in the present, that is, at the moment when we speak.  As a general rule, to conjugate the Present Continuous , it is necessary to add – ing at the end of the verb.

Examples :

  • They are watching a movie .  verb to watch .
  • I am making the phone call . – verb to make .

See below some phrases in Simple Present and Present Continuous that illustrate the difference between the two tenses. What is simple present tense with examples?

Examples :

  • He is playing baseball .  – PRESENT CONTINUOUS
  • He plays baseball.  – SIMPLE PRESENT
  • They study German .  – SIMPLE PRESENT
  • They are studying German .  – PRESENT CONTINUOUS

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