
Professional development for employees benefits importance drawbacks and 4 ways to encourage

Professional development for employees

The professional development of employees has a direct impact on the evolution of the company. When employees have adequate professional development, they improve the quality of their work, and this has a direct impact on the results of the projects in which they participate.

Training, performance evaluations, professional career evolution, there are several aspects that influence the adequate professional development of each of the employees. In any case, it is something that indirectly ends up favoring the work environment, improving employer branding or the performance of the company’s professionals, to give some examples.

Given its importance, any corporation needs to know in depth the concept, benefits and drawbacks that its proper management entails, its phases or the relationship with performance management, among other aspects.

What are the benefits of professional development?

Professional development has benefits for both employees and the company itself:

  • It offers the possibility of professional growth . One of the aspects that employees value most is the possibility of growing within the company. The corporation that is capable of creating a medium and long-term itinerary that meets the worker’s development expectations will have a powerful tool for talent retention .

  • Improves work performance. Employees see that their work is rewarded. Knowing that there are high chances of achieving benefits (such as a promotion) improves the quality of your work, and with it, performance. 

  • Increase productivity. Employees who are happy and satisfied with the company tend to work focused on achieving goals. The desire and motivation to achieve the expected development makes employees more productive. 

  • Promotes employee retention. When employees see that they have the opportunity to grow professionally, they strive to achieve it and do not look for opportunities in other companies, which is why professional development is an effective tool for retaining employees. 

  • Improves the level of satisfaction . When a company allows professional development, employees value it positively. They are satisfied with their work and show a high state of well-being, which also positively influences the work environment of the corporation.

The importance of professional development of employees

The main reason for investing in employee training is to have a highly qualified workforce that is prepared for the challenges of the market.

Furthermore, it is also important to improve relationships in the work environment, which helps in creating a more positive organizational climate.

This triggers process optimization and greater reliability in what is being performed.

Consequently, corporate productivity and profits increase.

Another key point is the reduction of absenteeism.

After all, lack of motivation is a predominant factor for the employee’s absence, so if he is satisfied, the tendency is for him to become more engaged.

In this way, turnover is also reduced, employees are more willing to dedicate themselves to their activities and strive to remain part of the company.

What are the drawbacks of professional development?

Professional development is beneficial for employees and the company, but it is important to keep in mind that there are some drawbacks when implementing a career plan in a company:

  • If a certain inequality is perceived between employees to grow professionally, jealousy and even a bad work environment is generated. 

  • To help professional development, in many cases training plans are offered , which mean an initial investment of time and money .

  • Less development of teamwork . Employees tend to work individually for the benefit of their own growth. However, sometimes group work is necessary for the company and, depending on the personality of the employee, it could be resented.

  • Sometimes, despite efforts to improve professional development, the company may not meet the expectations of the employee, who may decide to leave for another corporation, with the consequent loss of talent and invested resources.

4 ways to encourage the professional development of employees

1 – The goal must be development

Employees want to know that the work they are doing is meaningful and that it is taking them further away from where they started.

However, this professional development journey is not always limited to developing specific skills or earning certifications. Instead, developing a sense of purpose is one of the most important goals for employee development.

2 – Cultivating the growth mindset

Supporting a growth mindset , also known as the growth mindset , can be the foundation of the success of your employee development plan.

Those with a “fixed” mindset are more likely to believe that talent, skills, or intelligence are innate qualities. So they cannot be earned. Those with the growth mindset believe that with a lot of work and good strategies, they can be developed.

If you believe that you either already have talent in a particular field or never will, you are unlikely to respond well to training and development.

3 – Offer learning opportunities

Provide access to the tools your team needs to expand their knowledge. There are a number of great learning resources available that make this easier.

Learning is one of the most valuable gifts you can give your team. And you don’t need to fund an academic education to provide it, important as it is. But on-the-job development accounts for a good deal of effective learning.

Many of these learning opportunities also come in the form of mistakes. However, most of us hate to admit it when we make mistakes at work. And that behavior can prevent any beneficial lessons that might come from these mistakes.

4 – Facilitating the career path and advancement

If the top performers find they’re hitting the slack in your organization early on, they won’t stay long.

This does not mean that everyone should be put on the quickest path to a senior leadership position, regardless of their interest (or competence) in leading others.

Employee development goals must be tailored to the goals of the organization and the individual. A one-size-fits-all linear approach will not produce the best results.

Many people thrive as individual contributors. Professional development goals for them could focus on expanding their competencies. And so help them become the most effective individual contributors they can be.

Not every brilliant engineer will be a brilliant manager, and that’s okay. So how are you working to develop skills and grow employees? There are a surprising number of opportunities that naturally present themselves.

What is the company’s role in professional development?

If you are a manager in a company, know that it is your role to also offer tools for employees to invest in their professional development. No wonder that in many companies, the human resources sector has analysts responsible only for people development.

Of course, there needs to be interest from employees, but the company can encourage growth and learning.

Companies that believe they have no obligation to support the development of their professionals make a big mistake. The better the employees, the better the business results. In addition, employees create a sense of belonging to the company, improving the work environment, engagement and commitment .

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