
How to Overcome Feeling Lonely Even Surrounded by People

How to Overcome Feeling Lonely

Who has never felt alone when being at an event full of people? Life constantly presents us with social events such as friends’ gatherings, work parties, university parties or family lunches. However, physical company does not always mean that you feel accompanied and sometimes we can simply look for it to fill feelings of sadness, anguish and uncertainty. In this article we will provide you the techniques how to Overcome Feeling Lonely Even Surrounded by People.

Is it possible to feel alone even surrounded by people?

Loneliness is an emotional state that is associated with depression, which manifests itself from situations experienced in the past that have produced suffering. Thus, it is necessary to bear in mind that the perception of loneliness is not linked to the physical presence or absence of other people , because it is possible to maintain a state of well-being even when we are not surrounded by our social cycle.

In this sense, we can be surrounded by people and feel alone, since these are characteristics that follow different paths . In addition, the type of company we have at social gatherings ends up being essential, since sharing a moment with people close to us will not have the same effect as sharing it with people we have just met.

Why do I feel lonely even when I’m surrounded by people?

The perception of loneliness can be present even when we are with other people, but why do I feel lonely if I am surrounded by people? The explanation for this question lies in how each person’s emotions, thoughts and behavior affect their state of mind.

In this way, the experiences you have experienced in your life may result in you feeling lonely surrounded by people, precisely those linked to the following factors:

  • Lack of empathy : the lack of understanding about oneself tends to increase the feeling of loneliness when one is in a group of people. In addition, empathy is the characteristic that allows you to understand the feelings of others, putting yourself in the position of the other in a given situation.
  • Lack of active listening : the feeling of loneliness is also manifested when one does not listen to what others say. This, in turn, is directly related to the inability to understand others.
  • Distressing experiences : Traumatic life experiences cause levels of distress that result in feeling lonely even when surrounded by people. For this reason, resorting to social gatherings is not usually an effective way to combat loneliness.

How to Overcome Feeling Lonely Even Surrounded by People

Now that we’ve seen that it’s possible to be surrounded by people and feel lonely, you should know that there are also ways to face this type of situation and stop feeling that way . Next, we will show you how to overcome the feeling of loneliness when you are surrounded by people:

  • Psychological therapy : the first step to stop feeling lonely even when surrounded by people is to identify why you feel that way. One of the most effective ways to do this is psychological therapy, as it allows you to address the source of the conflict. Among the most well-known psychotherapeutic approaches are cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.
  • Meditation : sometimes emotional loneliness appears when thoughts play tricks on us. Meditation is a practice that helps to relax the mind and escape personal conflicts. Through the practice of diaphragmatic breathing , it is possible to achieve a lasting state of tranquility.
  • Practicing hobbies : recreational activities are an excellent tool to overcome the feeling of loneliness in social encounters. Sports and art allow us to strengthen social bonds based on self-knowledge during leisure time.
  • Writing : putting out inner feelings helps to lessen the intensity of loneliness. When you put into words what you feel, it is possible to change the point of view you had on the same issue.
  • Facing the situation : there are those who tend to resort to distraction methods to avoid feeling alone when surrounded by people, however, this does not solve the problem. Facing the situation and understanding that the company of oneself is the most important thing is a great relief.
  • Choose new projects : loneliness is a state that is recreated in past and present events. For this reason, if you don’t know what to do when you feel lonely, you should consider that it’s important to start living again with new projects to face the future. Innovative ideas give way to a feeling that improves the quality of the present moment.

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