Quiz Bank Literature

English Literature Test 2

Welcome to your English Literature Test 2

A song, prayer or speech in honour of God

A character who is so average or unoriginal that he or she seems like an oversimplified representation of gender, class, religious group, or occupation

A novel which examines values, behaviour and characteristics of a particular group of people with a specific historical context

A device in which a word in the middle of a line of poetry rhymes with a word at the end of the same metrical line

When another literary work is referred to within a text, suggesting that texts do not exist in a vacuum because there is always relationships between texts, which readers are often aware of

The rules which dictate the way a sentence in a language is constructed, according to syntax

A syllable that has a heavy distinction from other syllables when spoken aloud

: Poetry which uses logic and reason to construct an 'argument' and draws on other fields such as science, law, philosophy and exploration to describe emotion, often love

The period of time, about a thousand years long, between the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of the Renaissance

The utilization of pitch changes in spoken language

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