
Augmentatives and diminutives examples and List of words

Augmentatives and diminutives

Nouns can be used in augmentatives and diminutives because they accept inflection in degree, and can be referred to in three different sizes: normal, diminutive and augmentative.

The normal degree of the noun indicates the normal size of an object or being.
The diminutive degree of the noun indicates the diminished size of an object or being.
The augmentative degree of the noun indicates the increased size of an object or being.

List with augmentatives and diminutives

normal degree diminutive degree augmentative degree
bee bee, bee, bee bumblebee
friend little friend friend, friend, friend
animal animal, animal, animal animal, animal
wing alula, wing, wing asona
bird poultry, little bird avejão
bullet candy bullet, bullet
beard beard, beard, beard beard
barge nacelle barge
tent tent, tent shed
noise noise, noise noise, noise
lip pout smack, smack
animal pet bug, bug
moustache mustache, mustache mustache, mustache
mouth mouth, mouth mouth, mouth, mouth
head little head, little head big head, big head
box box, box, box, box coffin
mug mug mug
dog little dog, little dog, little dog, little dog canzarrão, canaz
face little face face, face, face
House hut, little house big house
hat hat, hat, hat, hat big hat
rain drizzle, drizzle, drizzle shower
to harvest spoon, spoon spoonful
glass cup cup, cup, cup
string string, string cord
body corpuscle body, body
child little child big child
finger little finger thumb
tooth tooth, tooth dentola, dentition, dent, dentition
do knife knife, machete, machete
fever fever fever
party little party party, party
flower floret, floret, floret, floret flower zone
fire little fire bonfire
cat kitten cat, cat, cat, cat
man little man, little man, homunculus, little man big man
newspaper newsboy newspaper
pencil little pencil lapsion
book booklet, booklet, booklet, booklet, booklet book, bookshop
Wolf wolf, wolf, wolf wolf, wolf
monkey monkey, monkey overalls
suitcase suitcase, briefcase, pouch trunk
hand little hand handle, handle, handle, handle
girl young lady, young lady mocetone
boy young man, young man young man
mount mound, mound mountain
woman little woman, little woman woman, woman, woman
wall short wall wall
nose little nose, little nose nose, nose, nose, nose
paper paper, paper, paper, paper cardboard
paw paw pathor
foot little foot, little foot big Foot
stone gravel Boulder
door hatch, hatch gate
boy boy, boy, boy, boy, boy big boy
rock little rock rock
living room room, room, room Hall
scissors earwig scythe
glass bottle windowpane
voice little voice, little voice voicer, voicer

Augmentative and diminutive formation process

Nouns in the augmentative and diminutive grades are formed, mainly, by joining augmentative and diminutive suffixes to a word in the normal grade: nose – nose – narigão.

They can also be formed by joining adjectives that indicate increase or decrease: nose – big nose – small nose.

Augmentative and diminutive adjectives

Augmentative adjectives diminutive adjectives
enormous huge
tiny diminutive

Other examples of diminutive nouns

  • village: hamlet, hamlet
  • tree: arbuscule, tree, little tree
  • flag: flag, flag
  • barrel: barrel, barrel
  • truck: pickup truck
  • belt: scintillation
  • cross: cross
  • devil: imp
  • sword: sword
  • statue: figurine
  • lighthouse: lighthouse, lighthouse
  • farm: farm, farm
  • son: little boy
  • ribbon: ribbon
  • leaf: leaflet, leaflet
  • chicken: chicken
  • rooster: galispo
  • globe: globule
  • drop: droplet
  • grain: granule
  • island: islet, islet
  • indio: indiozinho, indiozito
  • newspaper: newspaper
  • slab: slab
  • tongue: tongue
  • dating: flirt
  • node: nodule
  • nucleus: nucleolus
  • egg: egg, egg
  • palace: mansion
  • part: particle
  • skin: film
  • poem: poem
  • portion: porziuncula
  • question: spat
  • root: radicle, radicle
  • network: reticle
  • king: ruler, little king
  • river: brook, rivulet, rivulet
  • street: alley
  • bag: saquitel, sachet

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