
Anxiety causes gas reason Consequences and How to avoid

Why Anxiety Gives You Gas

There is a close relationship between the digestive apparatus and the brain, as they interact with each other through a dense network of nerve fibers of the so-called vegetative nervous system, responsible for involuntary responses. This fact allows us to immediately understand why many people who suffer from stress and anxiety tend to manifest their discomfort through stomach disorders. In fact, intestinal problems caused by anxiety, stress and nervousness form part of a very common symptomatology throughout life and can negatively interfere with our daily lives. In this article we will let you about Anxiety causes gas reason.

More about anxiety gas

Air in the stomach is a disorder of the digestive system that is produced by excessive ingestion of gases with the introduction of food or frequent swallowing of saliva. When air accumulates in the stomach, it is known as aerophagia, while when gases meet in the intestines, it is known as meteorism.

But, can excess gas be emotional? Within certain limits, air in the stomach is a completely normal phenomenon, which happens involuntarily when talking and when eating or drinking. However, on some occasions, an excessive amount of air can accumulate in the stomach from eating too fast, chewing food too little, or talking while eating. In fact, even anxiety during a meal, related to an emotion or a state of discomfort, can favor the ingestion of air in the stomach, so anxiety indirectly causes gas since we tend to eat with our mouth open, chewing badly and quickly. .

Consequences of anxiety and stress on the stomach

Between stress and the stomach there is a link that manifests itself at the level of nerves and hormones. In the first place, conditions of strong emotional apprehension can provoke an excessive production of cortisol and adrenaline , two hormones that can produce effects in the digestive system , such as, for example, the increase of acid production or the inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Likewise, the hyperactivity of the nervous system, typical of stress, can also produce problems in the production of gastric juices and gastrointestinal motility, which makes it difficult to digest and assimilate food. From these general mechanisms derive the uncomfortable symptoms that are found between the somatization of anxiety and stress, that is, the bodily manifestations of conditions of psychological malaise.

The most common gastrointestinal problems related to anxiety and stress are:

  • Stomachache.
  • Acidity in the stomach .
  • Stomach burning.

Why Anxiety Produces Stomach Bloating

The relationship between anxiety or stress and stomach bloating is more complex. On the one hand, inflammation of the mucosa causes poor digestion. On the other hand, anxiety and/or stress and increased acid secretion can cause spasms in the terminal part of the stomach, altering gastric emptying mechanisms. In general, this translates into a feeling of fullness and abdominal tension in the stomach, especially after meals.

On the other hand, it should be noted that, due to the change in the motility of the gastric muscles, the person who suffers from anxiety or is under a lot of stress may experience swelling in the stomach even when he has not ingested any food . For the same reason, in these cases, the sensation of fullness and abdominal tension usually involves the intestine, especially the colon, and alters the regularity of its main functions.

How the stomach gets anxiety

If the air introduced through the mouth is added to pre-existing meteorism caused, for example, by digestive disorders, this will become an aggravating factor and increase the symptoms. In such cases, the stomach will be swollen and its painful tension will increase . You can also have the feeling that the belly rises excessively or the perception of having a globe full of air inside the belly. In short, when this condition is present, the person no longer feels completely in his own skin.

In addition to pain and physical discomfort, there are other factors of great importance from a psychological and social point of view. With a belly full of air and the need to eliminate it, it’s difficult to allow yourself to establish social relationships naturally, because you can’t stop thinking about the embarrassment that symptoms related to the uncontrollable and more or less sudden expulsion of these gases can cause.

How to avoid anxiety gas

There are a lot of remedies for stomach disorders caused by anxiety and stress. First of all, it is important to follow a suitable diet and adopt a balanced lifestyle, trying to avoid the frenetic rhythms often imposed by the commitments of everyday life. Therefore, it is essential to set aside adequate time for each meal and focus on chewing well and for a long time , avoiding overeating.

Likewise, it is important to avoid behaviors such as keeping your mouth open when chewing, as this way too much air can enter with the food. The diet should be varied and balanced , free of difficult-to-digest foods and full of foods rich in vitamins, especially the B group, useful for producing the energy necessary for the health of the nervous system. It is also essential to dedicate time to rest, physical activity and free time in order to recover an adequate psychological balance.

Want to know more tips to avoid gases due to stress or anxiety? Check out some of them below:

  • Do not eat too fast : avoid putting a second portion in your mouth before swallowing the previous one.
  • Drinking through a straw is not recommended , as sucking results in swallowing more air.
  • No smoking : in addition to causing aerophagia, smoking can cause poor digestion and gastrointestinal inflammation.
  • Sit down at the table calmly and eat in a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Chew calmly , carefully and with your mouth closed.
  • Drink slowly and in small sips, avoiding very hot or very cold drinks.
  • Eat in a comfortable position , but keeping your spine straight to help the food fall into the stomach.
  • Take a 15-minute walk after eating.

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