When to use Kanban vs Scrum and its benefits of these methodologies for HR
When to use Kanban vs Scrum
In this article we will provide you the information about When to use Kanban vs Scrum and its benefits of these methodologies for HR.
Have you ever heard of Scrum and Kanban applied to People Management? These are two tools that are part of the so-called agile methodologies and provide several benefits in their application. The fact that they are commonly used on projects does not prevent them from being very useful in the daily life of the HR sector. Let now about When to use Kanban vs Scrum?
In this article, we will explain each of them and what are the advantages they offer. In addition, we’ll give you some tips so you can implement them in your company more efficiently. Check out!
What is Scrum?
Scrum is an agile methodology whose main objective is to make the planning and execution of projects more adaptable and efficient . The technique consists of dividing the project into phases, called Sprint, which have daily monitoring of the evolution through alignment meetings.
In this sense, each Sprint represents a project deliverable and can last for a week, a fortnight or even a month. Through the tools that integrate Scrum, small adjustments in planning are implemented throughout the execution, which allows possible errors to be identified and dealt with more immediately.
What is Kanban?
Kanban is a task organization methodology that helps managers and employees to better visualize and control the demands of the sector. Still, it consists in the assembly of a table that arranges the activities in columns, according to the execution status, which, in general, are: to be done, doing, done and waiting.
As the tasks are performed, the employees themselves update the layout of the board, which facilitates the monitoring of the entire team. The use of Kanban can even interfere with the organizational culture , bringing elements that help to strengthen internal relationships and promote more efficiency to teams.
What are the benefits of these methodologies for HR?
Scrum and Kanban are two tools that can bring great efficiency to People Management in different aspects, as shown below.
1-More efficient management of processes
Both Scrum and Kanban allow HR processes to be controlled more closely and more closely. This means that the management of the sector’s demands becomes more efficient, minimizing the incidence of errors and generating accurate and higher-quality deliveries.
2-more agile HR
Scrum and Kanban are two of the most important methodologies of agile HR , which have as its main advantage the delivery of demands faster, without losing quality. As a result, professionals are able to perform more tasks, which increases the capacity of teams and allows for the growth of the sector as a whole.
3-More strategic people management
The use of agile methodologies favors the development of a strategic HR , which works more deeply with the company’s senior management and contributes to its growth and evolution. Thus, in addition to allowing the sector to stand out more in the organization, more strategic people management promotes improvements in different aspects of the business, from the organizational climate to the development of professionals.
How to apply Scrum and Kanban in HR?
For application in the Human Resources sector , it is important to take some precautions. See the tips that we have separated to help you in this challenge.
1-Set structured goals for the team
The way in which goals are established for teams can be decisive for the success of a company. Regarding Scrum, they must be clear to everyone, with deadlines and responsibilities very well aligned. This helps to better guide each employee on what needs to be done and when each task should be delivered.
In relation to Kanban, the goals should be well defined, in smaller demands, to be easily monitored. As such, it is important to define not only the ultimate goal, but also the deliverables that can be individually measured and evaluated along the way.
2-Restructure industry demands
The demands of HR are many and varied, so they can be organized in different ways. In order to adopt agile HR, it is necessary to review the way tasks are distributed in order to adapt them to the methodologies.
Here, Kanban can be applied in the management of the team’s daily activities, allowing for better visibility for everyone. Scrum is ideal for meeting specific demands and large projects, allowing for more agility and control in the execution of each step. Together, these tools should transform the industry’s routine, making it more productive.
3-Define responsible parties and deadlines for each process
For both agile methodologies that we are approaching to generate the expected results, it is essential that each task has a person in charge and a deadline attached to it. Thus, a person must be in charge of taking care of all the details of carrying out the activities, as well as the necessary interactions with other sectors and external agents.
In addition, it is essential to set a deadline for the completion of each delivery so that there is a direction. The definition of these dates helps not only the person responsible for its management, but also other professionals who depend on these demands to continue their activities.
4-Empower professionals
Finally, the preparation of professionals to implement these changes is a crucial element so that their full potential is used. We know that any change in the performance of a professional generates doubts, questions and insecurity. In this sense, training is the means to enable employees to deal with these news, absorbing them more naturally and calmly.
5-Scrum and Kanban
As we have seen, Scrum and Kanban are excellent management tools that can be applied in HR. For this, follow the tips we gave in this content and adopt a more strategic position in your company’s People Management. This may be the missing opportunity to have a more innovative and prosperous business.