
What is offboarding its importance and process of offboarding


In the business and professional environment, it is known as the opposite of onboarding , that is, it is the process of dismissal of employees and employees of a company or the end of its cycle.

In moments that generate uncertainty for employees, offboarding is extremely important so that they can receive the news of termination with clarity, through aligned, open and empathetic communication. No gaps for a future disagreement.

In this sense, in major periods of crisis, such as the one we are witnessing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, offboarding becomes even more essential.

Thus, whether by decision of the company or of the employee, it is necessary that the communication of dismissal is carried out with caution and care. In addition, when it comes from the company, it is important to be prepared for the moment, with all the documents necessary to carry out the process, avoiding unnecessary wear, friction and dissatisfaction.

Furthermore, it is essential that the entire offboarding procedure is carried out in a way that neither the company nor the employee feel disrespected.

What is its importance?

The implementation of the offboarding process is something that contributes immensely to your company’s culture , providing the employee with due respect and consideration, without friction and strain during the process.

Also, the standardization of processes is one of the great advantages that arise with the application of offboarding. With a good structure, there will be no errors or delays in the necessary documentation , making this step efficient and accurate.

In addition, the creation of a checklist helps any human resources or people and management professional when monitoring and managing the offboarding process, without generating any confusion in the sector.

Finally, the correct application of an offboarding program helps the company to maintain good contact and relationship with professionals who have been terminated, in cases of new opportunities. Furthermore, it contributes to the company’s good image in the labor market.

How to offboarding?

The implementation of the offboarding process has some main and essential steps so that it can be applied correctly and efficiently. Now, we’ll list some of the key steps for the application‘s success.


First, above all the steps and steps for offboarding, empathy for the employee must be present from the beginning to the end of this process.

Essential soft skill for any professional in the Human Resources area, empathy when talking to an employee and giving the news of the dismissal is something that makes all the difference in the process. But it is necessary to be prepared to deal with the vulnerability of the professional in question.

In addition, if the decision to terminate is made by the employee himself, empathy is still necessary, being important to understand his option and everything that is behind this decision.

2-Procedures and documentation

The bureaucratic process of dismissing an employee is not simple or something that must be done overnight. Therefore, care and attention are required so that it is done correctly.

Thus, as already mentioned, when the decision comes from the company, it is important that the Human Resources professional arrives at offboarding with all documents in hand, streamlining and optimizing processes.

3-Exit interview

Now, we come to one of the great steps in the implementation of offboarding: the shutdown interview . It is extremely important that it is carried out efficiently.

Thus, during this moment, the company must be willing to ask and listen to the employee’s feedback on various instances of the organization’s functioning. In case of involuntary dismissal, it is worth asking about your stay at the company, feedback on leadership, co-workers, culture and environment.

But if the employee chooses to leave the company, it is important to know the reason for his decision and, also, what the company could have done differently so that he could continue making up the workforce.

Despite being a step that may go unnoticed by some sectors, the termination interview is essential for HR to have a broad view of events, always seeking to optimize procedures, leading to a reduction in turnover and increased satisfaction of those who remain in the organization.

4-Return and collection of materials

To complete the offboarding procedure, one of the last things to be done is to collect materials that were, until then, with the employee off. From notebook, accessories, mouse, earphone, access badge, chair, support and all material that is in the company’s possession, whether in a home office or on-site basis.

Furthermore, in addition to the company carrying out such collection, the employee must also remove their personal belongings from their workstation, in the case of face-to-face work.

5-the farewell

Finally, it is a good practice that the professional in question has time to say goodbye to his co-workers, managers and superiors. Understand that it is important to take this time offboarding to recognize the employee’s professional efforts and hear what they have to say about their time at the company.

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