Siege of Acapulco/time/place/participants/causes/effect/winner
Siege of Acapulco (1813)
Acapulco as well as other cities in Mexico was submitted by the Spanish monarchy on April 25, 1528 by mandate of King Carlos I of Spain and colonized by 29 Spanish families who arrived from Mexico City in 1550, as part of the generalized submission to the conquest of the Aztec nation by sending expeditions and developing military operations in order to maintain Spanish domination and thus extend the territory of what was called New Spain, from which they obtained great wealth. Siege of Acapulco
As part of the actions that would contribute to the independence of the Mexican nation from the Spanish empire, a series of warlike confrontations are carried out, among which is the so-called Site of Acapulco , let’s see what it consisted of and other related details.
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When and where did the Siege of Acapulco take place?
The Siege of Acapulco was based on an assault by means of which the Spanish royalist forces were surrounded in order to seize the Port of Acapulco, one of the most important ports of the Mexican nation from a strategic point of view in terms of communications. Logically, this fact generated a combat by means of arms that took place on April 12, 1813 in the city of Acapulco de Juárez, located in the current state of Guerrero , specifically on the southern coast of the Mexican homeland. Siege of Acapulco
The siege of the Spanish was carried out by the Mexican rebels and although at first it lasted only 6 days, then the royalists resisted the combat for 4 months entrenched in Fort San Diego, which is a maritime fortress in the place where the events. This building has a particular facade designed in the form of a pentagon or a 5-pointed figure in order to obtain protection in it in case of combat.
Who participated in the Acapulco Site?
This military encounter originated by the siege of Acapulco had as opponents on the side of the Mexican rebels a main combatant named José María Morelos with his troop of approximately 500 loyal soldiers . And on the side of the Spanish royalists to Pedro Vélez de Zuñiga along with his loyal followers .
Morelos, was a priest and was known as “the servant of the nation”. He was also a Mexican military and patriot, who had already been participating in other conflicts in order to contribute to the emancipation of his beloved Mexican Republic and was also President or highest authority from Mexico. For his part, Pedro Vélez de Zuñiga served as a lawyer and was Head of the Executive Power of Mexico. Siege of Acapulco
Causes of the Siege of Acapulco
Burdened by the oppression generated by the Spanish rule in the towns of Mexico, they considered the liberation of the harassment of their spaces and their inhabitants because this disturbed the peace and tranquility of the Aztec population to which they were accustomed as peaceful people who they were, that’s why they decided:
- Regain full control of the Port of Acapulco .
- Cut the stream of monetary income to the Spanish government .
- Generate communicational interference with the rest of the controlled spaces and those to be controlled by the prevailing monarchy .
The Siege of Acapulco of 1813 also had the objective of collapsing the mercantile practices of the Spanish dominant in order to separate New Spain from the vicinity of the Pacific Ocean and the Filipino people , thereby losing strength of the Spanish crown and diminishing territorial control.
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The way in which Acapulco was besieged or encircled had positive effects on the opponents, since the end of the conflict resulted in:
- Forgive the aggressor, who in this case was the Spanish side, because these were the ones who oppressed the Mexicans.
- Liberation of charges of conscience of the oppressed by not killing so many people in the achievement of the objectives. Siege of Acapulco
- Avoid casualties of the contingent of men that faced the rebels in Mexico , which did not imply their recognition of the damage caused.
- Imputation of legal charges against the aggressors in exchange for the forgiveness of their lives.
- Momentary recovery of the peace lost in those spaces .
There is no doubt that the consequences benefited both sides in conflict. However, we must not forget that this action had as its major consequence and of great importance the fragility of the Spanish conquest process, which contributed in part to the destruction of the dominion in the Mexican homeland by Spain , since finally Mexico was he freed himself completely from the yoke of the crown in later years.
Definitely besieging or encircling the enemy is an excellent strategy when it comes to slowing down the opponent’s advance. This was the case in the recovery of the Port of Acapulco as a key and very valuable point of that country.
The adversaries were neutralized because they had no escape and the only viable way out was to surrender, since the conflict had been prolonged in time to transform it into a peaceful state between the two, which was achieved through an agreement endorsed with the signatures or signatures of the parties involved, including the insurgent front represented by José María Morelos and Pedro Vélez on the part of the defense of the Spanish. Siege of Acapulco