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Difference between positive economics and normative economics Similarities and FAQs

Positive economics and normative economics

In this article we will provide you the Difference between positive economics and normative economics Similarities and FAQs.

What does positive economy mean?

Positive Economics refers to the study of the benefits and costs of economic decisions, as well as the way in which they affect the well-being of individuals. This recent branch of economics deals with how an economic system can be designed to improve social well-being and reduce or eliminate the problems inherent in this field. The Positive Economy seeks to optimize the positive qualities of the market, such as investment in human capital, through educational programs; It also considers the environmental impact, through regulations to limit pollution; It also promotes new models of environmentally friendly consumers. Therefore, we can say that it is related to all those aspects positively related to its political-economic environment.

What does normative economics mean?

Normative economics is a branch of economics that studies economic decisions from an ethical point of view, which is why concepts such as justice, equity and social responsibility are used. This discipline analyzes socioeconomic problems in the light of moral principles and its recommendations may vary depending on the moral or ideological system adopted. Normative economics seeks to improve economic outcomes by relaxing the restrictions imposed by other approaches, such as classical liberalism or Keynesianism. Critically examines issues such as fair prices for workers, equitable distribution of income, and/or government regulation to limit inequality between rich and poor.


Positive economics and normative economics , although two different concepts, have certain similarities. Both refer to the study of human economic behavior. The first is a descriptive theory focused on explaining market behavior, while the second involves making judgments about the results obtained and the public policies suggested to improve them. Both branches of economics are important to understand the functioning of modern economic systems, since they allow us to evaluate our current situation with respect to other hypothetical or past scenarios and make informed decisions based on previous research.

Differences Positive economics and normative economics

Positive economics , also known as descriptive economics, focuses on the study of current economic reality and how it behaves. This branch of economics attempts to explain the facts without judging them or taking sides. On the other hand, normative economics, also known as prescriptive economics, is a broader field that tries to evaluate the results of the current economic system to help improve it. This branch analyzes the present and future impact through the use of theories about what will be best for society and offers solutions based on this analysis. In general, both branches seek to optimize social well-being; However, while one focuses on objective descriptions of particular situations (positive), the other suggests concrete actions to achieve desired results (normative).

Frequent questions

What is positive economics?

Positive economics is a branch of economics that focuses on studying economic phenomena without attempting to predict future behavior. It focuses on describing and explaining the functioning of existing markets, as well as their dynamics and trends. It covers both microeconomic (individual behavior) and macroeconomic (general context) aspects. This science deals with empirical analysis to determine the causes of a certain economic behavior based on data obtained by quantitative methods.

What is positive economics and examples?

Positive economics is a branch of economics that focuses on the study of economic phenomena through the use and analysis of data, mathematical models and theories. This discipline seeks to explain how people make decisions, what government policies impact prices, what the effects of new products or services are on the market, and other similar topics. Example: A study that uses modeling to predict how a temporary reduction in Consumer taxes could increase total spending within the country. Other research that attempts to measure the social benefits derived from international trade to determine if an equitable result is achieved between the parties involved.

What is meant by positive and negative economics?

Positive economics: positive economics is a branch of economic science that focuses on the study of the mechanisms and relationships between economic agents, such as companies, individuals and the government. This discipline analyzes factors such as prices, production, consumption and distribution. Negative economics: Negative economics studies unwanted or harmful long-term phenomena caused by the intervention of the market in its natural function. This discipline addresses topics such as externalities (external effects), monopolies (those situations where there is a single supplier for a specific good) and financial crises.

What is normative economics?

Normative economics is a branch of economics that studies economic decisions through the analysis of social, moral and ethical principles. This discipline is concerned with the social and cultural impact of an economic decision, rather than focusing solely on the financial result. Normative economics covers topics such as social well-being, equity and equality, environmental responsibility, and financial sustainability.

What is normative economics and examples?

Normative economics is an approach to economics that focuses on ethical principles and socially desired norms to guide economic decisions. It is aimed at changing economic processes, calling for reform or improvements to achieve fairer results. Some examples of topics related to normative economics include child labor, overconsumption, the environment, income and wealth distribution, and ethical banking.

What is positive and normative economics?

Positive economics is a branch of economics that focuses on the study of economic facts or data, such as the behavior of prices and production. This discipline attempts to explain how markets work and why certain trends in supply and demand exist. On the other hand, normative economics is about what “should” be, as well as public policies to achieve desired goals. It is more related to the design of laws, government policies and social programs to achieve desirable results within the economic system.

What are positive and normative economics examples?

Positive economics refers to the study of the way in which individuals, groups, and governments make decisions about using scarce resources to satisfy their wants. It is focused on objective facts and describes how events occur, without passing judgments or evaluations. For example, a positive analysis may examine how interest rates influence the money supply. Normative economics addresses questions such as “what should we do?” It focuses more on making morally acceptable evaluations of certain economic policies, such as whether a tax is justified or not. They are generally based on subjective opinions or individually and collectively shared moral companies manage their advertising budget wisely. It enables marketers to identify consumers with the same values. For example,

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