What is urban and rural sociology with definitions and difference
There is a difference between urban sociology and rural sociology. The word sociology is of Latin origin; It is formed by the union of the words socĭus, which refers to “partner or individual” and logy that has several meanings including “study”. Taking into account these literal meanings, it can be said that sociology is the study of the partner or individual. Sociology is then a science that is dedicated to the study of social groups. That is, the set of individuals who live together in various types of associations. This science also analyzes the relationships that subjects maintain with each other along with the system and internal forms of organization. At the same time, it studies and analyzes the degree of cohesion that exists within the framework of the social structure of the various human groups.
Having said this, the area of study of sociology is the interrelationships that occur in human groups in urban and rural areas; defining itself as urban sociology and rural sociology.
Urban sociology
It is the study of human societies and religious, economic, artistic phenomena, etc., that occur in urban areas. That is, they occur in cities and areas with the highest population density. Urban sociology focuses on the study of the conformation of urban conglomerates, the formation of cities and metropolises. It also focuses on the phenomena that occur so that they are created, namely:
- -Work sources
- -Migratory phenomena
- -Social and governmental circles
- -Others.
In addition, it is responsible for the study of the behavior of people who live in cities and large metropolises that directly affect the way of life, values, interrelationships, and so on.
Rural Sociology
Rural sociology can be defined as the study of human societies and religious, economic, artistic, etc. phenomena that occur in rural areas. That is, in cities and areas with less population density. It focuses on the study of human behavior in rural areas where contact between human beings is limited to long distances and to transportation and communication systems lacking advanced technologies.
Then, its fundamental objective is the study of social relations that occur in rural areas. This is in order to propose strategies that improve people’s quality of life. Which is achieved through the improvement of public services such as electricity, health system, education, and so on.
According to the definitions presented, the following differences are noted:
–Urban sociology is responsible for the study of human behavior in urban areas. In contrast, rural sociology deals with the study of human behavior in rural areas.
-The objective of urban sociology focuses on the study of social phenomena that occur in urban areas. Rural sociology focuses on the study of social phenomena that occur in rural areas.