
Types of human needs 13 types according to different aspects

As human beings develop and our needs evolve, becoming their source of motivation, which drives us to act as we do. In this article we will provide you the types of human needs.

Certainly, one of the most important theorists on human needs and motivation is Abraham Maslow , a humanist psychologist who proposed the “Human Needs Theory”, better known as Maslow‘s Pyramid.

Types of human needs

In his famous pyramid, Maslow tells us about five human needs that are organized at different levels , from the base of the figure to the highest part of it. These needs must be covered one by one so that we can feel satisfied with ourselves and our life. According to him, it is only possible to reach the top of the pyramid if the previous needs are met one by one.

However, there are other criteria for classifying human needs. Below we show the different ways to classify these needs. They are the following:

According to its importance or nature

Needs can be vital or not, that is, they can have an organic risk if they are not met in some cases and can be an accessory to the individual’s survival in others.

1. Primary Needs

They are the vital needs, that is, they are those whose satisfaction depends on the person’s survival . For example, eat, sleep, breathe, hydrate, etc. These are needs related to maintaining the minimum standards that allow the organism to function well.

2. Secondary Needs

They are not vital, but they increase a person’s level of satisfaction and well-being . They usually have a cultural component, so they can be different depending on the culture and even the time. For example, having a car, having a cell phone. etc.

According to your origin

Depending on the origin, human needs can be:

3. Individual needs

These are the needs of an individual or person and can be of two types:

  • Natural : The main needs are: eating, drinking water, etc.
  • Social : cultural in nature: wear a watch, celebrate a wedding, wear a tie, etc.

4. Collective needs

These are the needs of individuals as a group or society, that is, as citizens: public transport, security and order, etc.

According to its economic significance

Depending on whether they have an economic function or not, the needs can be …

5. Economic needs

These are the needs that, to fulfill them, it is necessary to carry out an economic activity . For example, move or eat (buy food in the market).

6. Non-economic needs

These needs do not require economic activity . For example, breathe and fundamentally any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife that is beyond business transactions.

according to its nature

Maslow’s theory also speaks of deficient needs and the development of the person.

7. Deficit needs

They mean that there is a lack if we do not satisfy them, that is, we cannot live without them . These are the physiological, safety, affiliation, and recognition needs. Meeting deficit needs is important to avoid consequences or unpleasant feelings.

8. Development of being

They are important for personal growth and do not have to do with the deficit of something, but with the desire to grow as a person. Therefore, they are primarily based on ideas about the self and how they affect one’s emotional states.

According to Abraham Maslow

According to Maslow’s theory, there are different human needs:

9. Physiological needs

The first level of Abraham Maslow’s pyramid is made up of the basic needs that human beings require every day: food, clothing and shelter . These daily needs are primary and physiological and consist of the physical requirements for the human body to function properly, including air, water and sleep. In other words, they are necessary for our survival, and if we don’t satisfy them, we cannot stay alive. Therefore, humans always need to cover them.

10. Security needs

In Maslow‘s hierarchy of needs, the second level needs are security needs. Human beings need to be assured of their well-being and safety . For example, we don’t like to worry about burglars in our home or that we don’t have a home to be safe. People value good health as well as personal and financial security.

11. Members’ needs

The third level in the hierarchy of human needs are association needs or social needs . People need to love and be loved in return, they need to feel that others value them and they need affection. Humans also feel the need to belong to social groups, and consequently, we like to feel a sense of connection and belonging to others.

We all need to fit in, interact and be accepted by the people around us. Family, friendship, and relationships are important for satisfying our social needs.

12. Recognition or esteem needs

People need to be respected and cherished . This need for respect and self-respect forms the fourth level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Like other people’s needs, these needs are interrelated with other human needs and create a continuum with them. As a consequence, estimating requirements have two phases.

The first, which extends from a person’s social needs, is the need to earn the respect of others. This kind of need for respect drives people to seek fame, honor, and prestige. The second, which demands respect for yourself, not just for other people.

13. Self-actualization needs

These are the needs that are at the top of the pyramid. They have to do with what people want to become. When individuals satisfy their prior needs, they feel a strong desire to be the person they dream of being.

In other words, they feel the need to fulfill themselves, actualize their potentials and reveal their talent and the fullness of their nature. Maslow thinks that whatever a person’s potential is, he should bring it out. This is what the individual is born for and what will make him happy.

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