
Shortness of breath due to anxiety symtoms how long & treatment

Shortness of breath due to anxiety

The malaise associated with social or family obligations can deeply mark our thoughts and cause serious inconvenience in the development of everyday life. Let’s think about the following scenario: we’re walking down the street and we stop to look closely at an advertising panel that shows an image of a happy woman drinking an energy drink. At that moment, for no apparent reason, all sorts of strange sensations awaken in our respiratory system that make us worry about the possibility of not being able to continue living freely. Although this is a fictitious case, what is certain is that this type of situation is common in many people with anxiety. In this article we will provide you the information about Shortness of breath due to anxiety.

How is shortness of breath due to anxiety

First of all, it is important to detect the main cause that determines the shortness of breath. In view of this, it is important to bear in mind that there may be organic factors that make it impossible to breathe normally, such as respiratory diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, for example.

In other cases, anxiety causes shortness of breath and this can be linked to high levels of anxiety for situations in everyday life that generate excessive concerns, related to both the present and the future of a person. This problem is perceived through the feeling that the air does not enter correctly through the airways to go to the lungs.

Symptoms of shortness of breath due to anxiety

How to know if shortness of breath is due to anxiety? In order to be able to detect the origin of shortness of breath due to anxiety and establish an adequate diagnosis, it is essential to know the manifestations that can appear on the physical plane, as well as in the emotions and behavior of each person.

Below, we show you the main symptoms

  • Chest pressure.
  • Feeling of suffocation.
  • Catastrophic thoughts regarding death.
  • Tremors.
  • Nausea, vomiting and, in some cases, dizziness.
  • Anguish.
  • Restless breathing.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Excessive sweat.

If these symptoms persist for a long time and make it impossible for you to carry out your daily life correctly, it is advisable to seek out a mental health professional so that the person can be evaluated and diagnosed.

How long does shortness of breath from anxiety last?

Even though there is no single parameter to know how long shortness of breath due to anxiety can last, in general these symptoms can last from a few minutes or hours to months. In this sense, it is necessary to understand that this criterion will be determined by the level of severity and the consequences that can be seen in the person suffering from this problem.

Treatment of shortness of breath due to anxiety

Despite the difficulties that this clinical picture entails, there are currently available approaches that can collaborate with the remission of anxiety symptoms. In the following items, we will talk about treatments on how to control shortness of breath from anxiety:

psychological therapy

One of the most effective options for treating anxiety is psychological therapy. In general terms, the objective of psychotherapy is to investigate the causes that gave rise to the symptoms and to offer tools that allow overcoming complex situations in a milder way. Within short-term therapies, it is possible to highlight cognitive-behavioral therapy , which works on emotions, thoughts and behaviors related to the patient’s inconvenience.

On the other hand, longer duration therapies try to locate the origin of the symptoms so that the person can adopt other alternatives when resolving a conflicting situation. The best-known and most effective long-term therapy is psychoanalysis.

psychiatric medication

In cases of considerable severity in which shortness of breath due to anxiety manifests itself, another solution lies in the use of anxiolytics . These medications can reduce the symptoms of anxiety by modifying the neuronal connections that take place in the central nervous system.

However, it should be noted that the administration of psychiatric medications should always be done under the supervision of a mental health professional.

natural remedies

Finally, among the treatments for shortness of breath due to anxiety, it is also possible to include some natural methods that can offer momentary relief . Among the best known are digestive teas, visualization of positive situations or writing down thoughts and emotions of the present, among others.

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