English Grammar

Personal pronouns examples types direct and indirect complements

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns are those words that can replace a noun, person, animal or thing. For example: “Juan and Pedro will go to the dance” / ” They will go to the dance”. As it replaces the noun (person, animal or thing) that performs the action, it must agree with the verb in number and person, as in “ you will read the book” or “ we buy the food”. In this article we will provide you the examples of Personal pronoun.

These pronouns can act as a subject (” I’ll look for the book”), as an attribute (“The winners are you “), or as a preposition term (“Gustavo will come with me “).

Personal pronouns vary according to the grammatical person (first, second and third), gender (masculine and feminine, with the exception of the first and second person singular, “I” and “tú”) and the number (singular and plural).

Which are the personal pronouns?

These pronouns designate the participants of the speech or sentence: the first person is the one who speaks, the second is the listener, and the third is outside the conversation. Would:

Personal pronouns



First person

I, Me, Me, With Me.

We, We, We.

Second person

You, You, You, With You, You.

You, You, You.

Third person

He / She / It / You, Lo, La, Le, Se, Yes, I get.

They / They / You, Los, Las, Les, I know, Yes, I get.

We must note that you , although it is the courtesy form of the 2nd person singular, for grammatical purposes it is a 3rd person pronoun, conjugating the verb in 3rd person: “You are”, “You want”, “You answer back”.

In America and some regions of Spain,  you ,  you  and  you  have been replaced by  you  and  you .

Types of personal pronouns

There are two types of personal pronouns: stressed and unstressed.

1-Tonic personal pronouns

They are those with a prosodic or phonic accent, even if they don’t have an accent; They can appear alone or preceded by a preposition: ” You !”, “The fact that they go does not mean that I will go.”

The stressed personal pronouns are:

Tonic personal pronouns



First person

I, Me, With Me.

You you.

Second person

You, You, You, With You.

You you.

Third person

He / She / It / You, Yes, I Get.

They / They / You, Yes, I Get.

2-Unstressed personal pronouns

They are pronouns that do not have a phonic accent and therefore cannot appear in isolation: they depend on a verb form, and when they precede it they are called proclitic, and if they join the verb they are called enclitic.

An example of a proclitic pronoun: “ I do n’t like what you do”, “ I love you ”, “ I tell you something”.

Enclitic pronouns are common when the verbal form in question is an imperative or a non-personal form: “take it “, “give mela ” ( me and la are both pronouns), “eating the “, “listen to him “, “give you “, “propose them “, “to the “

The unstressed personal pronouns are:

Unstressed personal pronouns






I know






I know

Personal pronouns as direct and indirect complements

Personal pronouns can replace parts of speech that are direct and indirect complements. For example: “she will look for the book tomorrow” / “She will look for it tomorrow” (direct object); or “he bought vegetables Joseph” / “he he bought the vegetables.”

1-Direct complement

The direct object always refers to a person or thing, and completes the meaning of the verb; the verbs that accept the direct object are called transitive verbs.

When they replace direct complements, the personal pronouns are: me , te , lo , la , nos , os , los and las . Examples: “What ‘s you?” ” I want”, ” we like gazpacho”, ” will lend the book.”

It should be noted that the 3rd person singular pronoun is lo , but in some regions of Spain le is used when referring to a person: “ lo / le pushed”.

2-Indirect compliment

The indirect object indicates the recipient of the action of the verb, and it is always an animated being. When they replace indirect complements, the personal pronouns are: me , te , le , se , nos , os , se and les .

These forms of personal pronouns can be attached to the verb, as in “brings you the books , ” “Take the “, “buy me a sweet” or “take selos “.

Examples of sentences with personal pronouns

  1. They will come with us to the meeting.
  2. If he asks about me , don’t tell him I’m with you .
  3. If you want to play with them we could organize something.
  4. I always wanted to travel to the islands.
  5. He did not take the book, you are what you gave.
  6. Come with me to the meeting, you will not regret it.
  7. To me I like green, how would you like to you ?
  8. They told you that classes started in March.
  9. If you go on vacation, do not forget to bring memories.
  10. Do not leave the apples that are going to be lost, take them to them .
  11. I like to walk with you in your garden.
  12. ” He ‘s weird,” she commented to herself .
  13. You know he’s worried when you see him talking to himself.
  14. We thought that you would not come.
  15. If you want we can take you to dinner to your room.
  16. You have always thought of yourself first .
  17. He has not had them all with him since he gave him coronavirus.
  18. You will complain for everything that they do.
  19. Do n’t count on me if you go to the meeting with her .
  20. The business does not give more of itself , they told him .
  21. Your dog is a problem, let’s find him another home.
  22. I have not stopped asking myself if we did the right thing.
  23. Look for it in the library, because they do n’t have it.
  24. Nosotro s we see it on television.
  25. I liked being with you on the beach.
  26. If you want, we can give you our tickets.
  27. My oranges are the take it to them .
  28. Why should I do it without your help?
  29. She sang for him , not the listening.
  30. You guys look it up in the phone book.

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