Emotional intelligence characteristics concept importance
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability of people to understand their own and others’ emotions. It is a term that began to be used some decades ago, which implies the idea that human beings need another type of intelligence in order to be able to relate effectively with others, different from intelligence or intellectual capacity. Emotional intelligence origin and Characteristics
Emotional intelligence complements traditional intelligence. In other words, a person may not be very skilled from an intellectual or academic point of view, but they do turn out to be a person appreciated, loved, and valued by their peers. This generates a posture of appreciation before people, which will lead to being recognized for their emotional characteristics.
A person with emotional intelligence will be a person who recognizes and manages his own emotions and the emotions of others. In other words, a person with emotional intelligence has the self-control of their emotions, produces motivation in themselves and in their environment, transmits tranquility despite adversity, tolerates frustration, and controls their own impulses.
The concept of emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence can be understood as the ability that a person has to control their own emotions to react or deal with the feelings of others. However, it is important to understand that this is not only about interpersonal relationships, but also about the individual’s relationship with himself.
This concept is also directly related to the ability to perceive and direct one’s feelings and perceptions clearly, since each interaction with some external factor has a reactive internal implication.
In the professional aspect, emotional intelligence generates some specific results that can be very beneficial for the organization, such as professionals who are more focused, confident, flexible and tolerant.
However, these are just a few advantages. If you want to understand the real importance of choosing emotionally intelligent professionals to integrate your teams, check out our next item!
The importance of emotionally intelligent professionals
In general, emotional intelligence generates two very significant consequences: success and accomplishment. This is due to the control that people have over their emotions and the respective reactions they can attribute to daily events, even if they are unforeseen.
As much as an individual has a lot of intellectual intelligence, not controlling their own emotions can ruin their career or their socializing with co-workers, for example.
A highly qualified professional in his specialty can be subject to serious mistakes if he does not know how to deal with his emotional state when subjected to situations of stress and tension.
Emotional intelligence can affect many aspects of life. Check out some of them:
- performance at work — those who develop emotional intelligence establish greater control over their motivating factors, leadership, interpersonal relationships, conflict resolution and problem solving;
- physical health — high levels of stress generated by lack of emotional control contribute to increased blood pressure, infertility and suppression of the immune system, so emotional intelligence prevents health problems;
- mental health — anxiety and depression are also factors developed by those who cannot establish control over their emotions;
- interpersonal relationships — emotionally intelligent people can better understand and express feelings, which contributes to building stronger relationships.
? Knowing the professional aspects that benefit from emotional intelligence, it is time to better understand what are the characteristics that demonstrate this ability in people. Come on?
Characteristics that demonstrate emotional intelligence
Researcher, psychologist and PhD Daniel Goleman , from Harvard University, is the professional responsible for identifying emotional intelligence as one of the factors that drive professionals with above-average performances. According to Goleman, the characteristics that demonstrate emotional intelligence are:
- emotional self-knowledge;
- emotional control;
- self motivation;
- recognition of emotions in other people;
- interpersonal relationships.
Check out in detail how each of these characteristics can be perceived:
1. Emotional self-knowledge
Emotional self-knowledge refers to the professional’s ability to identify and recognize their own emotions. Those who cannot perceive such emotions, end up being carried away by them, but those who know them, can decide to control them.
A good way to identify this trait is to ask the professional to describe how he felt in a certain situation or to observe how well he is able to articulate his actions for his own benefit.
2. Emotional control
Emotional control is the second characteristic described by Goleman and deals with the individual’s ability to deal with one’s feelings, especially in situations of pressure, euphoria and tension. These emotions can only be managed if the professional is able to control them rationally.
However, emotional control is only viable from the moment the person becomes able to recognize their feelings, which reinforces the importance of the first mentioned characteristic.
This trait can be easily identified by the ability that people demonstrate in making situations that would normally be uncomfortable or otherwise harmful are productive. In this way, professionals who have emotional control are able to react constructively to what happens.
3. Self-motivation
Another of the most important characteristics of emotionally intelligent professionals is the individual’s ability to motivate himself and maintain this condition. This does not mean that he will not have ups and downs, good and bad days, annoyances and problems, but that, despite this, he will remain focused on his goal.
Professionals with this ability are able to face everyday situations, which are often seen as boring and repetitive, as part of a construction process that will lead them to reach the final goal.
In this case, obstacles are perceived as an opportunity for growth and learning, after all, the professional sees himself as the main responsible for his success.
4. Recognition of emotions in other people
Nothing less than the ability to empathize, recognizing the emotions of others is the fourth characteristic described by Goleman. Professionals who manage to develop this talent are able to establish a connection with other people, understanding their point of view and the way they feel.
In addition to contributing to better interpersonal relationships and better communication , this is a skill that allows you to improve self-knowledge based on the recognition of other people’s feelings.
5. Interpersonal relationships
Finally, the fifth characteristic described by Goleman is the ability to relate to other individuals using social skills. In this sense, the professional already recognizes, dominates and directs their own emotions, identifies the emotions in other people and starts to help them in the management of their feelings.
In general, those who can effectively apply this last characteristic have a high aptitude for leadership. If cognitive skills are added to the ability to relate to other people, the professional obtains a result of high performance and success, including in personal life.
How can emotional intelligence help in studies and career?
The research “Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor of Academic and/or Professional Success” , presented by the National Library of Medicine, says that people with emotional intelligence are more likely to make correct decisions. This is an important factor for success in business and academic life.
Let’s now look at other aspects of this skill that also help in these areas:
Helps deal with criticism
Criticism is part of our growth as a person and professional. If we don’t know how to deal with them, we will soon lose performance in studies and career. This happens because those who close their ears to criticism end up isolating themselves and losing valuable tips for personal development.
When there is emotional intelligence, we recognize that criticism (negative or positive) are true indicators of what we need to improve. Using them for reflection will help you recognize weaknesses. In this way, you can become even stronger.
Helps in the relationship with work and study colleagues
Emotional intelligence leads us to build good relationships with the people we work with or study with. With closer and stronger relationships, we feel safer and happier. After all, these feelings are essential for increasing productivity in business and academic tasks.
Greater responsibility with obligations
As self-management is the result of emotional intelligence, those who have this ability are responsible with their obligations. This is because they understand the value of a good reputation and show respect for those involved in a commitment made.
Furthermore, those with emotional intelligence realize that being responsible is a recipe for success in life.
Improve your customer service
By showing empathy (a characteristic of emotional intelligence), the professional deals better with the company’s customers. Even in stressful situations, such as criticism and consumer complaints, the professional will not take it personally. On the contrary, it will try to find the best solutions.
Finally, of course, emotional intelligence is a determining skill in anyone’s life . Following the tips presented in this content, it is possible to develop it and reap the good results both in the corporate career and in studies.
We hope you have understood the characteristics of emotional intelligence along with other aspects.