Collective bargaining in economics its characteristics types and Examples
Collective negotiation/bargaining
Collective bargaining is an essential component of social interaction, communication through which companies, organizations and unions can agree on fair wages and adequate working content. In this article we will elaborate Collective bargaining in economics
Among the points that are discussed is what corresponds to the negotiation processes regarding salaries , hours of work, safety and health, training, education and professional training, the correspondence of treatment.
The human language. The objective of the collective agreement is to constitute an agreement made up of regulations on working conditions and functions for the group of workers.
It is essential that there are specific provisions of the legal system, regulations and standards so that collective agreements are fulfilled.
The main characteristics of collective agreements include:
- The worker may be inclined towards a collective bargaining agreement with the same employer.
- Workers who participate in collective bargaining will get privileges.
- The company must have at least one year in the development of its activities.
- The clauses of an individual employment contract may not mean a reduction in wages, benefits, rights that correspond to the worker by application of the contract, collective agreement.
- The members of a negotiating committee who are not supported by the union, because they are not a member, delay the registration of the contract for another thirty days.
- Set the time period for a period of two to four years.
- The conditions of collective bargaining will represent what is convenient to those contained in the worker’s private contract.
Among the types of collective bargaining are the following:
- Regulated collective bargaining :
- It is intended for all trade union organizations.
- Apply a strict and formal method.
- Establish deadlines of running days.
- It has the authority to arrange a strike.
- The procedure with a collective contract concludes .
Unregulated collective bargaining:
- The transactions are direct.
- You have the time established in the collective agreement .
- It does not depend on the rules or norms.
- Workers come together just to get negotiations done.
- The election of the negotiating committee is carried out by secret ballot.
- The final proposal must be approved by the workers by secret ballot, in the presence of a labor inspector.
- It will be an individual contract if any of the clauses are missing.
Examples of collective bargaining
- Collective bargaining is a right supported by the constitution of the international labor organization.
- Collective agreements are a fundamental procedure to reduce inequality and increase everything involved in labor protection.
- The agreements regulate the rights and responsibilities of the parties to the employment relationship, enabling secure environment, place and conditions of work .