
Advantages of tutoring/purpose/roles/effectiveness/working

What Is Tutoring?

Tutoring is a process that provides support in a humanized and personalized way to the student, through the support of an experienced professional or student. This person, who plays the role of tutor, is dedicated to improving the experience and quality of learning. Thus, the student feels welcomed and motivated to maintain a study routine, even being physically distant from teachers and classmates. In this article we will provide you advantages of tutoring.

In Antiquity, Greek civilization relied on him as a kind of mentor for apprentices , who received instructions about an occupation at the time.

However, nowadays, the choice of tutor needs to be based on his technical qualification , ensuring that he is able to help clarify doubts about the contents that the student must assimilate.

What Is The Purpose Of Tutoring?

The main objective of the tutoring is to improve the student’s performance in relation to the subjects covered.

To do so, he employs teaching customization techniques based on the student’s level of knowledge and difficulties.

Unlike the teacher , the tutor does not commit to complying with a timetable, transmitting a certain amount of information at a specific time.

Because it is focused on a single tutorship or in small groups, tutoring is guided by the students’ rhythm , allowing them to reach a certain level before moving on to the next stages of the learning process .

That is, the tutor will not present, for example, the rule of three without the tutore having mastered multiplication – an operation necessary to use the tool.

It does not mean that the tutoring is carried out in a dispersed way, without following any schedule or structure.

The best-prepared tutors have knowledge of different methodologies , which they use according to their findings after an initial assessment of the student.

In this way, it is possible to adapt any type of instruction to themes and techniques that attract the interest of the tutee, allowing them to create their own connections between the known and the unknown.

The result is an informed construction of knowledge , which is stimulated as the student develops autonomy to continue learning for himself.

Thus, successful tutoring can not only reinforce learning, but also sharpen the curiosity of children, adolescents and adults so that they continue looking for new knowledge.

What Are The Tutor’s Roles?

The roles of this professional depend on their profile and assessment environment .

A tutor allocated to assist a teacher in basic education will have the role of monitoring and facilitating the use of the class, dedicating time, mainly, to children with learning delays.

On the other hand, a tutor working in distance education courses has a more central role, as it connects the student to the content , teachers and the educational institution, replacing the educator in personal contact with the student.

As the specialists Jaqueline Martins and Dimas José Detoni conclude, who signed the article “ Main attributions of tutors in distance education ”:

“The tutor is the one who, synchronously or asynchronously, in person or at a distance, guarantees quality in communication for the use of said material by directing, monitoring and evaluating student learning throughout the process.”

Although it prioritizes distance education, the text presents characteristics common to tutors, which we comment below.

Student Partner

By building a relationship of trust and closeness , the tutor plays the role of a partner, someone on whom the tutee can count to provide support on issues related to learning.

It will respect the rhythm and particularities of each student to maximize their use.


Whatever the place where he works, the tutor is able to connect the tutored to content, disciplines and strategies that facilitate learning.

In distance education, this function is given greater importance, as the contact with the advisor forms the bridge between student and school, college or university.

Facilitator Of Student Learning

The tutor considers the particularities of each case to guide students towards autonomy and the achievement of knowledge on their own.

Pedagogical Advisor

In constant contact with the student, the tutor helps to clarify doubts about content presented in the classroom, reinforcing misunderstood information.

It also provides materials and support tools to stimulate and motivate the tutee in their study routine .

How Does Tutoring Work?

This is a question that also depends on the environment and objectives to be answered.

Tutoring in the form of private lessons is not done in the same way as tutoring in groups, at school or at university.

Especially because, as we explained earlier, tutoring requires an assessment to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the tutores, in order to adapt the way of working to ensure their improvement.

However, there are some commonalities for the different types of tutoring.

In general, they require people trained in the studied area to be tutors, in addition to knowing pedagogical practices that serve as support to facilitate learning.

All tutoring modalities benefit from a minimal schedule, although they have more space for the student to express himself and give his opinion on the subjects in which he most needs guidance.

Despite this planning, the meetings must be adapted to the student’s pace or to the average pace of the group, so that everyone leaves the class at a similar level of knowledge regarding the topic addressed.

Normally, the process lasts at least a few weeks, and can extend for months and even years, if the tutor and tutee see this need.

Depending on the purpose, the advisor can offer tutoring on one or more days of the week, accompany the student while doing homework, or create customized activities.

Below, see details about the mentoring process in different contexts.

Tutoring In School Monitoring

The large number of children and adolescents in a classroom affects the time that the teacher can dedicate so that everyone follows the program defined for their discipline.

Even if he makes an effort, it is difficult for this professional to observe and identify, alone, everyone’s difficulties.

With that in mind, some private and public schools offer places for tutors, who can work in different formats.

Those who are interested in students with special conditions , such as learning disorders and disabilities, can stand by them during classes, helping their development.

Others work in tutoring at different times of classes, adding time to clarify doubts and help with answers to exercises.

Outside the institutions, there are also specialized companies and professors who work with face-to -face, online or mixed tutoring , giving support to students in the face of specific difficulties or referring to a discipline in its entirety.

They provide individual or group guidance, so that the student feels welcomed and performs better alongside their peers.

However, it is interesting that these groups have few tutors, otherwise, the school problem of lack of time , for everyone to improve their performance, can be repeated.

Tutoring In College

Getting into higher education is not always easy.

From one moment to the next, the university student needs to get used tonew routine , to live with new colleagues, professors and employees, in addition to knowing the rules of the educational institution.

The situation becomes even more difficult when you have to move to another city, state or country to participate in the course, as you will have to get used to a new culture and responsibilities – finding and maintaining a home, controlling expenses, earning extra income, etc. .

All this added to the need to prioritize your graduation .

Considering these issues, faculties have created mentoring programs to support students, especially those facing many simultaneous changes.

One example is the Educational Development Program (PDE) offered by Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA) to post-MBA students.

The initiative consists of periodic meetings, in which tutors are selected from among academics experienced in the business environment or executives with extensive experience in professional counseling.

The program is built in line with the student ‘s career plan .

There are also higher education institutions that provide tutoring groups with clearly defined objectives , such as achieving a good performance on a test or broadening debates on a topic of interest.

Tutoring At EAD

In distance education, the tutor is usually a teacher who has the role of mediating the relationship between the student, the content discussed and the educational institution.

As mentioned in the previous topics, distance learning tutoring has this most central function, inverting the dynamics that occur in classroom tutoring.

During face-to-face teaching, the accompaniment of an advisor complements and supports the teacher‘s work.

In distance education, the tutor ends up being the main representative of the school or college , welcoming the student and providing information on how he can better enjoy the classes.

If necessary, the advisor can contact the teacher who recorded a video lesson, for example, to ask questions about a tutorship.

It also works by making recommendations to the teachers responsible for the contents and activities of the course, with valuable tips on the main themes and difficulties of the students.

Therefore, it is useful for the tutor to maintain a close relationship, as far as possible, with his tutors in distance education, in order to direct them to obtain organization and autonomy – two essential requirements for those who adhere to this teaching format.

Is Tutoring Effective?

At first, tutoring may seem like a detail, but research shows the effectiveness of this technique, especially when meetings occur more than once a week.

A study by Harvard University analyzed 200 experiments that are intended to trigger improvements in education, such as the expansion of early childhood education.

Prominent among them was the promotion of frequent private lessons with research-proven instruction, which raised the learning rates of traditionally underperforming students.

To give you an idea, the strategy was 20 times more effective than low-dose math teaching, and 15 times more effective in reading.

Information like this has motivated US authorities to bet on mentoring programs to lessen the impact of school closures for several months, in order to contain the pandemic caused by the coronavirus .

As this report cites , former Tennessee governor Bill Haslam said he would pay the expenses for 1,000 college students to offer tutoring for children up to six years old, in order to accelerate their learning.

What Are The Advantages Of Tutoring For The Student?

Below we list some advantages of tutoring.

  • Access to a more humanized teaching format , which takes your development into account.
  • Rhythm adapted to your learning process.
  • Customized methodologies and programming .
  • Lighter environment and less pressure to follow the contents.
  • Greater space to express doubts , without worrying about the judgment of colleagues.
  • Adaptation of the topics covered to your goals and personal needs.
  • Gain time to assimilate one or more contents.
  • Flexibility in scheduling classes , with greater availability of schedules, especially for those who opt for private lessons.
  • Possibility of negotiating the financial investment for the meetings, in addition to choosing between the face-to-face, blended and distance modes.
  • Open space for the expression of ideas and adaptations in the teaching process.

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